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"Are you going to stand in the window all day for all the passing cars to see?" Jungkook huffed, not even turning to look at you.

You realized you had been showing your naked body to anyone passing by since you were hiding behind the curtains.

You quickly walked over to the bed and grabbed the sheets from the bed to wrap around you.

"If we didn't have sex, do you care to explain to me why I'm completely naked?" You asked him in disbelief. There was no way the two of you just slept side by side all night with you completely exposed.

"Well, after you lost consciousness on our way out of the bar, I got you in the car and had to wake you up to ask you for directions to your place. I thought it would be odd for you to wake up in someone else's house." He began explaining.

You watched him carefully, grateful that he took that into consideration because he was right. You would have flipped out had you woken up in a stranger's bed.

"But when I got you awake, you proceeded to lose the contents of your stomach in my car." He continued, staring in the mirror as he fixed his hair. You couldn't help but stare at the muscles in his arms and back flexing as he moved. He was hot.

However, his last few words finally hit you and you covered your mouth in shock. Your cheeks went hot as you felt embarrassment crash over you like a wave.

"I...I threw up in your car?!" You yelled.

"Quite a bit. But it's fine. You were covered in it though, so once I got you home, I couldn't leave you like that. You were damn near falling down drunk, so I knew you wouldn't be able to do it yourself." He made eye contact with you through the mirror, smirking slightly.

"I'm so sorry." You hung your head in both shame and embarrassment.

"Like I said, it's fine. But that's why you're naked." He walked over to the bathroom and made his way to the shower. You felt yourself staring, but you couldn't help it.

"You sure are making yourself at home, huh?" You called out over the sound of the shower running. He looked over his chiseled shoulder at you and winked.

"Well you told me you didn't want me to leave so here I am."

Your jaw dropped immediately.

"And when did I say that?" You challenged, standing up from the bed, not caring that the sheet had fallen to the floor.

Jungkook let out a soft chuckle. "Doesn't surprise me that you don't remember, but I tried to leave you here last night. But you started pouting and being a brat, begging me not to leave. You also informed me that you were older than me and that I had no choice but to listen to you."

You were ready to crawl into a hole from embarrassment. The fact that you had let your curiosity loose while you were drunk had you lost for words.

"Well, I was drunk. You didn't have to listen to me." You stood in the door frame of the bathroom, arms crossed over your chest, as you leaned to one side. Jungkook turned to look at you, abs and chest on full display. His V-line was so sharp and defined, you were sure you could have cut a diamond in half on it.

It made your mouth water.

He walked closer to you until your faces were only centimeters apart. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before running his finger down the line of your jaw. He stopped at your chin and tilted your head upwards to face him. Your breath caught from his sudden grip on your face.

"I know I didn't have to." He leaned down as if he was going to kiss you. You closed your eyes, waiting for his lips to meet yours.

"Maybe I wanted to wait and fuck you when you're sober." He whispered against your lips. His breath rolled across your skin so softly, you had to hold back a soft moan. "Noona."

You bit your lip as you stared at him. Oh, he's good.

Jungkook let go of your face and turned back to the shower. He hooked his thumbs around the waistband of his pants before glancing over at you.

He had caught you staring. Again.

"You gonna let me get undressed? Or should I keep going?" He smirked, waiting for your answer.

You blinked several times before reaching for the doorknob. You started to close it quickly before you heard his deep voice call out to you again.


You paused and peeked around the corner of the door. He was now inside the shower with the upper half of his body leaning out of it.

"Yeah?" You answered timidly.

"Feel free to join me if you want." He winked before closing the shower curtain all the way.

You all but slammed the door shut, leaning against it while clutching your chest. This man was radiating dominant energy and he seemed to have taken a liking to you.

"I just met him last night." You whispered to yourself.

You internally battled yourself in your head for about 20 minutes before you heard the shower turn off. You were about to run back to grab the sheets when the bathroom door swung open behind you, letting you fall right into Jungkook's bare chest.

"Waiting for me?" He asked with a grin. You looked up at him, lost in his soft eyes before realizing both of you were naked and he was holding you rather close to him with only a towel separating his waist from yours.

"No." You broke free of his grasp, stumbling away from him awkwardly.

"Listen. I don't know what kind of man you think I am, but I'm not gonna throw you on the bed and have my way with you just because you're standing naked in front of me." He took a few steps closer until you could feel the heat coming off of his beautifully toned body. "Unless that's what you want me to do."

You gulped inaudibly. This man intimidated the fuck out of you. It really made your submissive personality jump out and show itself. You pushed past him and quickly walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind you.

"I'm taking a shower now. When I get out, I expect you to be gone." You called from inside the bathroom. You heard Jungkook chuckle to himself.

"Cute." He mumbled.

You finished your shower quickly, painfully aware that you hadn't locked the bathroom door.

After wrapping a towel around you tightly, you slowly opened the door, peeking out to see if he was still there.

Your room was silent, with no signs of Jungkook still being there. You walked out and let out a sigh of relief. You sat on the edge of the bed, hair still dripping onto your shoulders from your shower. You glanced over at your nightstand to grab your phone when a small slip of paper caught your eye.

It was folded with "Noona" written on the outside. You couldn't help but smile.

You unfolded the piece of paper to find that Jungkook had written down his phone number with a short message underneath.

"I'll be waiting."

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