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Monday morning rolled around entirely too early. You were still trying to come down from the unbelievable highs of the day before.

You made it to work a few minutes early this morning and decided to explore around the building a bit. Even after working there for nearly a month, there were still parts of your workplace that were foreign to you. You made sure to bring your phone with you so you could keep track of time.

You walked about the hallways slowly, your black heels clicking softly against the ceramic flooring. You took your time, peeking into each empty room you came across in order to familiarize yourself a bit better.

After about 10 minutes of wandering around, you jumped at the feeling of your phone buzzing in your hand. You glanced down, letting a small grin spread across your lips.

Jungkook: You do realize that curiosity killed the cat, right?

You giggled, realizing he must have noticed you wandering around on the surveillance cameras. You glanced around the hallway, immediately spotting one in the corner of the ceiling with a small red light blinking. You smirked as you made your way over to it.

Glancing around to make sure nobody else was in the hallway with you, you blew a flirtatious kiss to the camera, biting your lip seductively as you grinned. You flipped your hair over your shoulder as you turned to walk away.

Y/n: I had no idea.

"Trust me, you can't see your reflection in those cameras. I've tried."

You jumped at the familiar voice, looking up from your phone. You were nearly face to face with a broad-shouldered Seokjin who had seen you flirting with the camera.

"Fuck." You whispered, feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment, knowing you had been caught.

Jin let out a soft chuckle. "It's okay, you're secret is safe with me."

"Secret?" You asked, looking up at him.

"You and the CEO. I'm a little more observant than everyone else around here." He said, winking at you.

"Wait, you know?" You whispered, eyes wide.

"Well I do now." He threw his head back, laughing almost uncontrollably. You giggled a little bit with him before refocusing.

"Please, please, please don't tell anyone. I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me."

"I like you, y/n. I wouldn't do that to you." He offered reassuringly.

You felt a sigh of relief escape your lips.

"Thank you, Jin. I really appreciate that."

Your phone buzzed, letting you know it was almost time for your day to start.

"I've got to get work started. I'll see you around, Jin!" You bowed slightly before turning to walk away.

You made your way back down the hallways, eventually making it back to your desk. Your breathing was rapid, still worried about what had just happened. But you trusted that Jin wouldn't say anything. He had become a good friend since you started working here.

You sat down at your desk and looked across the room, noticing your favorite pair of doe eyes staring at you.

Your desk was conveniently located directly across from Jungkook's office. The two of you habitually flirted with each other, being careful not to get caught. Or at least, you think you had been careful.

It's not that you didn't want people to know that you were dating Jungkook. But you knew there would be someone to accuse you of sleeping with him in order to do well within the company. You wanted to prove yourself and your skills fair and square.

You made eye contact with him, making sure to lace your eyes with seduction. You didn't know what it was, but you just couldn't get enough of him. He made you feel things that you hadn't felt in a long time.

After the incident with Taehyung at your apartment, Jungkook made it clear that things like that wouldn't happen often. Watching his sub being dominated by another man was just a kink that he had been wanting to test out. Nothing more. And you were happy to oblige. You only wanted him.

Jungkook smirked as the two of you held each other's gaze before picking up his desk phone.

"Is there something I can help you with, sir?" You spoke quietly into your phone. You winked at him from your desk.

"As a matter of fact, there is babygirl. But it'll have to wait." He answered, sounding defeated. "The head of marketing is on his way up here for a meeting."

"That's too bad. My mouth needs something to do." You whispered so no one could hear you.

You watched as Jungkook leaned back in his chair, letting his head rest against the back as he stared at the ceiling. He let out a soft groan before returning his gaze to you.

"You'll pay for that, baby." He growled, hanging up the phone.

You giggled quietly as you hung up, knowing he wanted you but couldn't have you right now.

Or could he?

Your eyes lit up as an idea suddenly came to mind. You stood up quietly, gathering a few items off of your desk. Your heels made the faintest sound as you made your way over to Jungkook's office.

"Mr. Jeon, may I come in? I need to speak with you about a budget issue." You asked, knocking softly against the open door.

Jungkook eyed you carefully, not knowing what you were doing.

"Of course, y/n. Please come in."

You stepped inside, closing the door behind you quietly. You laid your things down before walking around to where he was sitting, situating yourself on the edge of his desk right in front of him.

"So, what budgeting issue do we have?" He asked, still not catching on.

You giggled softly, crossing your legs so your skirt rode up your thighs a bit. His eyes immediately focused on your legs, clearly lusting over your exposed skin.

"It seems as though I've forgotten." You answered.

"So then, what-"

You brought your foot between his legs, pushing slowly against the leather of the chair so there was a bit more space between the two of you.

"I want to try another kink with you."

Jungkook stared at you, confused. He couldn't help but feel intrigued at where this could possibly be going.

"And that would be?" He asked, leaning back in his chair, letting his hands sit on the arm rests.

You smirked, biting your bottom lip playfully. You slid off of the desk, immediately sinking to your knees in front of him. Jungkook's eyes widened as he realized what your plan was.

"Well I told you my mouth needed something to do. So I want to see how quiet you can be during your meeting."

"Y/n, we can't-"

You reached for his belt, undoing it swiftly before dragging his zipper down. You reached into his boxers, pulling out his already hardening cock.

"Well you're not doing much to stop me." You cooed, pumping him slowly. He let out a soft growl, tilting his head back.

"Your playing a dangerous game, baby." He breathed, bringing his attention back to you.

Both of you jumped at the sound of knocking on his office door. Jungkook looked at you with panic-filled eyes. You giggled, swiping your tongue across the head of his cock.

"Under the desk. Don't you dare make a fucking sound, y/n."

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