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Jungkook flashed a devilish smile at the sound of your whining. He finally had the permission that he needed.

He placed his hands on either side of your thighs, letting his weight rest on his arms as his eyes roamed over every inch of your body. He swiped his tongue across his bottom lip slowly before bringing his eyes to meet yours.

"How rough do you want it, noona?" He said in just above a whisper. You loved being called pet names and as you now knew, "Noona" was your new favorite.

You felt small beads of sweat forming on your brow as a shiver ran down your spine. Jungkook made you feel small and weak. He intimidated you just enough to the point that it excited you. It was exactly what you had been waiting for and you hoped he could back up his words.

"As rough as you want, daddy." You responded meekly.

Excitement flashed across his eyes as he lowered himself in front of your knees. You attempted to clamp your legs shut as embarrassment washed over you from him being so close. However, Jungkook immediately gripped your legs and pulled them apart again.

"Don't be a brat. Let me see that pretty pussy, baby."

You let out a soft whimper as a reflex as he ran a single finger across your clit. You jumped at his touch, feeling yourself clench around nothing. Jungkook smirked at your reaction.

"Can I taste you, noona?" He whispered as he sped up his actions on your clit.

"Please." You whined, rolling your hips upwards, trying desperately to gain more friction.

Jungkook firmly pressed your hips into the seat, abruptly halting your movements.

"Good girl."

He wasted no time bringing his lips to your aching core, your immediate moans like music to his ears. His tongue danced sweetly throughout your folds as he stared up at you, never once breaking eye contact.

You instinctively brought your hands to his soft hair, tugging gently as a signal that it felt good. Jungkook's jaws moved flawlessly as he devoured you. His tongue sliding back and forth across your clit and dipping down to your entrance was driving you crazy. And you were seconds away from your climax.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum." You panted as your eyes shut tight, ready for your high to take over.

Jungkook brought his tongue away from your core suddenly, leaving you unsatisfied and irritated.

"What the fuck?" You breathed angrily.

Jungkook grabbed your face, making your lips pucker as he brought himself above you again.

"You cum when I say you can, baby girl."

He let go of you abruptly and reached to unzip his pants. He was obviously more than experienced judging from the way he was able to move around in the backseat of a car so well.

"And trust me, baby, you're gonna want to cum on his cock instead."

You watched as his cock sprung from his boxers, tall and hard just for you. He then removed the rest of his clothes until he was completely exposed. Your mouth watered as you admired his beautiful body, taking in every single detail of his features.

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