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"What did you just say?" You asked as Jungkook readjusted your clothes. You stood up straight, glaring at him as you turned to face him.

"You heard me. Tell me it's not what you want." He stepped closer to you, pinning you against the sink.

"It''s not." You lied. You couldn't deny that Taehyung was beyond attractive. You also couldn't lie and say you hadn't thought about what he was like in bed.

Jungkook let out a disappointed sigh, dropping his head. He looked you dead in the eye, holding your chin between his fingers.

"Don't lie to me, babygirl."

You swallowed harshly, unsure of what to say next. You knew lying again would only get you into more trouble.

"I'll ask one more time. Do you want him to fuck you?" He asked, watching you closely.

You hesitated. You didn't know what this was. He made it very clear from the beginning that he didn't want to share you with anyone. You were only his. But now he was willing to let you fuck another man? This had to be a test.

"I only want you to fuck me." You said sweetly, placing your hand on his chest. You hoped you had sounded more convincing this time.

"You sure about that? This is a one time offer. I won't keep asking." He answered, smirking.

He was serious. There was no hint of him joking anywhere in his eyes. You had to play this carefully.

"So, you're willing to let another man fuck me? Make me scream his name while he buries his cock inside of me? Let me drag my nails down his body as my orgasm rips through my entire body? Is that want you want?" You challenged.

His eyes lit up with excitement. He pushed his body against you, letting you feel him. He was hard. The thought of another man pleasing you while he watched was turning him on.

"That's exactly what I want."

With that, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the bathroom, not caring if anyone saw. He led you quickly and quietly down the hallway and back to the table where Taehyung was still sitting. You were surprised he hadn't left by now.

Taehyung looked up as you sat back down, noticing your flushed cheeks and somewhat messy hair. He smirked, looking down at his lap.

"You two have fun?" He asked, looking back up at the two of you. Jungkook patted your thigh, grinning over at Taehyung.

"We did. Y/n actually has something to ask you." He answered, turning his attention to you.

You felt your cheeks heat up, feeling both of their eyes now on you.

"Oh? What's that?" Taehyung asked.

"Um...well..I-" You struggled to form a sentence. You had no idea how you were supposed to ask this.

You gasped as you felt Jungkook's grip tighten on your leg. You looked over at him, meeting his intense gaze.

"Out with it, baby."

You turned your attention back to Taehyung. He looked nervous.

"Taehyung. I want you to fuck me."

You heard his breath hitch at your question as Jungkook loosened his grip a little. He leaned back into his seat, waiting to hear Taehyung's answer.

"Excuse me? You want me to what?" He finally asked, glancing between the two of you.

"I said I want you to fuck me." You batted your eyelashes, feeling brave now that it was out on the table. "Please."

"This has to be a joke. There's no way you're serious right now."

"She's serious. And so am I. I want you to fuck her while I watch." Jungkook finally chimed in.

Taehyung sat across from the two of you, bewildered and confused. He looked down again as he ran his hand over his mouth and down his jaw, as if debating. He finally looked back over at you.

"So?" You asked, slowly turning your lips up into a smile.

He turned his attention back to Jungkook. Jungkook gave him a slight head nod, reassuring him for the last time.

Taehyung let out a sigh, followed by a soft chuckle.

"Well if you're both so sure, I'd be really fucking happy to."

You felt your stomach flip as he agreed. Jungkook let out an excited chuckle.

"It's settled then. Let's go. Y/n's on edge." Jungkook said, standing from the table. He placed money on the table for your hot chocolate and made his way towards the door. You quickly stood joining him.

Taehyung hesitantly stood, following behind the two of you as you walked outside.

Jungkook turned around, facing both you and Taehyung. "Come on, I'll drive."

The three of you got into Jungkook's car, you and Jungkook in the front, Taehyung climbing in the back.

"So, I'm still not understanding. Not that I'm not thrilled this is happening, I just don't understand...why?" Taehyung questioned from the backseat.

You glanced over at Jungkook.

"Because y/n tells me you like her. And I think it would the very least to see someone else make a mess of her."

You felt your core tighten at his words. He truly wanted to see Taehyung ruin you.

"Okay then." He said, seemingly satisfied. He didn't even argue the fact that he liked you. Which excited you more. He settled back into his seat, thoughts racing as he stared out the window.

The rest of the car ride was mostly quiet. Other than you quietly singing along every now and then to the music playing, nobody really spoke to each other.

The three of you pulled up to your apartment about 15 minutes later. You had to fight the urge to jump out of the car and take off running inside. Your excitement was about to get the better of you. But you kept your cool, taking your time to get out of the car and make your way up the stairs, Jungkook and Taehyung close behind you.

As soon as you stepped inside, you felt an arm spin you around suddenly. You locked eyes with Jungkook as he snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you close. You could feel his excitement through his jeans.

"You ready to be a good girl for our guest, baby?"

You flashed an excited smile, no longer able to hide it. You glanced over Jungkook's shoulder at Taehyung, who was also visibly hard as he watched the two of you.

Your eyes met Jungkook's again. "Yes sir."

Jungkook turned you back around, hand still at your waist as he walked you toward the bedroom. You heard Taehyung's footsteps behind you as he followed.

Jungkook pushed you into your bedroom, letting you land softly on the bed. You turned around, sitting on the edge as you looked up at the two incredibly beautiful men. Jungkook walked over to the other side of the room, sitting in a chair you had by the window. He crossed his leg slightly as he nodded toward you.

"Now be a good girl and let him ruin you."

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