Dally Winston

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"Dallas!" You called from your kitchen where you were the dishes.
Dally came into the kitchen and propped his elbows on the island, "What is it, babe?"
You leaned on the island and your noses touched. You smiled, "I need you to do me a favor."
Dally chuckled and kissed you, "Whatever you need, babe."
"Great." You replied, playing with his hair, "Because I need you to watch my sister on Friday."
Dally's eyes widened as he backed away, shaking his head, "Y/N, you know I don't like kids."
"Yeah, but no one else is available." You said, "and besides, it'll be a test."
Dally cocked an eyebrow, "A test? A test for what?"
"If you love me or not." You said innocently, pursing your lips.
Dally looked up at the ceiling and started tapping his foot furiously on the ground, "No, babe don't do this."
You rolled your eyes and hopped on the counter, "Come on Dally, it'll only be for one night."
"Fine." Dally groaned, "I will do it, but I won't like it."
"Thanks." You giggled, satisfied with his response, "I love you Dal."
"I love you too, Y/N."


"Ok, Dal." You said, grabbing your backpack at the front door, "I'm going to study with my girls and sleepover there. Just watch my sister and I'll be back at around eight tomorrow morning, ok?"
Dally scratched the back of his head nervously, "Do you have to go? Because I'm not so sure-"
"Dal, it's not like I'll be gone forever," You pointed out, staring up into his eyes, "Besides, you promised."
Dally smiled and kissed you, "I know, sweetie. I'm just not stoked about the whole thing, but I'll do it because I love you so freaking much."
You put your hand over your heart and gasped dramatically, "Oh, Dally Winston you're such the charmer!"
Dally chuckled and kissed you once again, "Don't you have to get going?"
You frowned, "Yeah, unfortunately. But you'll do ok, I know it."
"Alright, babe see you later," Dally said, opening up the door, "You don't wanna be late."
"Thanks Dal," You smiled, kissing him on the cheek and walking out the door.
You waved him goodbye as you hopped into your car and drove away. Dally could handle this. Your sister was the only kid he liked, and he still didn't like her all that much.

                        Dally's POV:

Sam, Y/N's younger sister, came stumbling down the stairs not long after Y/N left to go study.
"Hey Dally!" She said excitedly, causing me to flinch. The energy kids had grossed me out.
"Hi, Sam." I said slowly, avoiding eye contact, "so, uh, what do you wanna do, man?"
"Well I'm going to wait for my friends, obviously." Sam replied, "They should be here any minute."
You stared at her and put your hand to your ear, "What?"
Sam looked at me like I was stupid, "My friends? They're coming over today."
I didn't believe a single word that was coming out of this child's mouth. Kids were liars and lied to their superiors for kicks. It was annoying. I decided to call Y/N to confirm everything.
"Hey, Dally," Y/N said through the phone, "Is everything alright?"
"Umm," I said, "Sam said her friends were coming over today...?"
Y/N cursed quietly through the phone, "Oh my god, Dally, I totally forgot."
"That her friends were coming over?" I asked, my heart racing nervously.
"That she's having a sleepover."

Part 2 will be coming out soon!


Hey y'all! Sorry this one is so loooooooong, but was it worth it you guys? Let me know in the comments below!


Have a lovely day and remember to stay gold!


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