Soda Curtis

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Ok y'all, this story's going to be kinda sad but also really sweet. This is going to be one where Soda has been drafted to Vietnam. :(   Either way, try to enjoy this. Disclaimer: I know nothing about how wars are supposed to work aside from the fighting and stuff so....... sorry.

Dear Sodapop,

I haven't seen you in six months. Every day of every minute of every hour I miss you. I hope you are doing ok and not putting yourself in too much danger. I hope you'll be home by Christmas at least. I've got a big surprise waiting for you. I love you so much Soda and I miss you greatly.
                                                    Love, Y/N

My beloved Y/N,

Things are getting pretty rough over here. They're sending me on a special mission to immediate combat. I don't want to worry, my love. I'll be careful, I promise. I miss you, too but it's easier to fight when I know I get to return home to my girl. Don't worry, we'll get to see each other soon enough, I promise.

                                           Love, Sodapop Curtis


Awwww!! So sad yet so sweet at the same time. Anyway, I hope you guys like this and I will catch you later!

Have a lovely day and remember to stay gold!


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