Ponyboy Curtis

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You've known him for five years and have been dating for one year. He was your everything. He made you laugh, smile. He made you something you never thought you knew, and it was the greatest feeling of all time.
It was May 15, you and Ponyboy's second anniversary, and you couldn't help but wonder what surprise was up his sleeve. The only clue he'd given you was to meet at the Dingo, 7pm sharp.
Ponyboy was very good at remembering special days and would always treat you like a queen on those days. Birthdays: he'd shower you with presents and cupcakes. Valentine's Day: too much chocolate and flowers. Christmas: gifts you'd mentioned in March that you'd totally forgotten about, under the tree, wrapped in lovely paper. To sum it up, he was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.
It was already six and you were to meet Pony at the Dingo at seven. So you decided to get ready.
You wanted something simple. Not too simple, but definitely not formal. You decided on a white lace skirt, a small yellow shirt, and a pair of soft brown, ankle-length suede boots. You curled your hair in loose, simple curls and applied a minimal amount of makeup to your face.
"Perfect." You said to yourself in the mirror, satisfied with your look, "Time to head out."
You took your bike from out of the garage and began to bike over to the Dingo.
When you arrived there, you didn't see anything unusual.
"Boo!" Someone said behind you.
You yelped, turning around and slapping the person in the face.
"Ow, Y/N." Ponyboy said, rubbing his reddened cheek.
"Ponyboy, I'm so sorry." You said, giving him a tight hug, "you know you can't scare me like that!"
Pony rolled his eyes but smiled, "I know, I know. Anyway, follow me."
"Ok!" You said excitedly, following after your amazing boyfriend, excited to see what awaited you.
The first surprise was the seating. They were right in the middle, so you could see the whole screen completely and you guys were up front slightly so you'd have a nice view.
"Ponyboy!" You exclaimed, "this is amazing! How's you do it?"
"Well the guys helped me pull this off a little."
"Mm." You said, smiling and nodding your head.
"C'mon," Pony ushered you, "there's more."
Pony took you to the concession stand, and you thought he was just taking you to get some snacks or something. You were so far from the truth.
Lying before your eyes was an extravagant display of large balloons, streamers, all your favorite snacks, and a huge banner that read "Happy Anniversary My Beautiful Girl!"
You turned to Pony, feeling nothing but loved, "Aww Ponyboy. This is beautiful."
Ponyboy kissed you, "Just like you."
"What did I do to deserve you?"
Pony obviously knew what he was going to say, but he looked up at the ceiling in thought. Then he looked straight at you and said, "by just being you."
You laughed and shook your head, "That's a really lame answer, Ponyboy, you know that right?"
"Yeah, I realized that right after I said it."
You smiled, "It was sweet though."
Pony simply smiled and grabbed your hand, "Come on, the movie's about to start."

Hey y'all! How are you guys doing today? I hope y'all are doing absolutely amazing and enjoyed today's imagine!
I would just like to quickly give a huge thank you to all my viewers out there. Thank y'all so much for reading this story, thanks so much for voting and commenting. Y'all certainly didn't have to choose my story to read, but y'all did and I am so incredibly thankful for that.


Have a lovely day and remember to stay gold!


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