Darry Curtis

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Good morning lovely people! Or afternoon, or evening. Whatever time it is when you're reading this. It's morning for me right now and I'm super tired. Literally no one cares. Enjoy the imagine!

It was a beautiful Sunday morning as you headed over to the Curtis Hotel. You liked to call the Curtis household a hotel because the gang would come and go and crash at their place whenever they pleased. You were guilty of this too. I mean, it's not like you were dying to stay at your toxic household.
It was Sunday which meant everyone but Darry was at the lot just hanging out. What was Darry doing, you may ask? Well Darry, the only responsible out of everyone, was doing chores.
You let yourself into the house to see Darry vacuuming. He had earbuds in and was jamming out but stopped when he realized you were there.
"Hey, Y/N!" Darry exclaimed, taking out his earbuds and walking over to you, kissing you on the cheek.
"Hi, Dar Bear." You replied, "Um, do you want any help with anything?"
Darry scratched the back of his head in thought, "Let's see, I've cleaned all the bathrooms, cleaned the bedrooms, vacuumed the carpets, swept and mopped the floors, laundry a-"
"And you need a break." You said, rubbing Darry's arm.
"But Y/N, I'm almost done." Darry replied.
"No buts," You told him shaking your head.
That was the thing about Darry. Once he started doing something, he never stopped until it was finished. He never took breaks unless I told him too.
"Dar, you work too hard. A break will be good." You said, trying to convince him.
"Alright fine." Darry said, giving in, "But only for fifteen minutes, got it?"
You weren't happy with that, but at least Darry was allowing himself to take a break.
"Let's sit on the couch." You said, heading in that direction and plopping yourself down on the worn cushions. Darry joined you and y'all began to cuddle.
You always felt safe in his arms. Like nothing could touch you. If there was a battle and you were wounded, you knew Darry wouldn't drop you. You trusted him with everything under the sun. You loved Darry and he loved you too.


How sweet, you guys. I don't have much to say right now so this'll be short.
Thank y'all so much for the views I really, really appreciate it. Feel free to comment and vote if you want to!

Have a lovely day and remember to stay gold!


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