Dally Winston

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Part 4, the last and final part of Dally's babysitting adventure! Enjoy!

"Where are the kids?" Y/N asked when she got into the house.
I scratched the back of my neck nervously, "Outside?"
"Why are they outside?"
"Well, they started throwing up," I began, "and since I don't know what to do with vomiting children, I sent them outside."
Y/N put her head in her hands, "explain to me how they got sick."
I laughed, "Yeah, you know that giant box of candy you guys had?"
Y/N looked at me. She already knew what I'd done, "Yeah?"
"They ate the whole thing."
"The entire box?" Y/N asked, making sure she heard me correctly, "Dallas, why would you let them eat all that?"
"I don't know!" I exclaimed, "they asked for it and I didn't-"
"Alright," Y/N said, shutting me up, "here's what we're going to do, ok? I'm going to go take care of the kids and you're going to call their parents, got it?"
I groaned, "I don't want to call the parents!"
"Well do you want to take care of the kids? I didn't think so, so get cracking."
Y/N made her way to the back door, and disappeared into the backyard, leaving me alone to deal with the phone calls.
I called all five parents, explaining all that happened. Most of them were angry at Y/N, but I told them that it was all my doing, not hers. That she had something come up at the last minute and I had to watch them. I defended Y/N with everything I could.
All the parents arrived soon afterwards and me and Y/N handed the kids over to them. Y/N apologized for the inconvenience. I did too, I guess.
Me and Y/N went outside in the cool morning, just as the sun was rising.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." I said, grabbing her hands into mine, "I just wanted to help you out."
In the dim light of the early morning, I could see Y/N's sweet smile. It was soft and understanding.
"It's alright, Dal." She said, kissing me on the cheek.
"Are you sure?" I asked, "because I'm pretty sure I just ruined your entire babysitting career."
Y/N laughed, "It's fine, I promise."
"As long as you say it's fine." I said, "and Y/N?"
"Yeah?" She asked.
"No more kids."
Y/N laughed, "Deal."
I leaned in and kissed her and we stood there until the sky was fully lit with the sun.

Hey y'all! I'm sure you guys are sick of all my excuses as to why I've been gone, but I did actually have a family issue that was going on for a while and I was too distracted by it to come on here. I hope y'all understand and will give me some grace on that. I hope you guys liked this 4-part imagine. I certainly had fun writing it!

Have a lovely day and remember to stay gold!


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