The end

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Hey y'all. I am very sad to say that this is the last and final part of "The Outsiders Imagines."
I saddens me deeply that this story is ending but unfortunately, my inspiration for this story is gone.
I hope that you guys really enjoyed this book and I want to thank each and every one of y'all for sticking with me throughout the journey.
I just want to say that this is not me giving up. Trust me, I've tried to write more, but I can't, which is why the story is ending.
I do have another outsiders story titled, "Random The Outsiders stuff." If you are interested and I'm coming out with a Hunger Games story as well titled, "Always, real or not real?: An Everlark journey."

Thank y'all so much for everything. For the views, comments, votes, everything. Y'all are wonderful and I am extremely lucky to have such a large group of people who like what I do.

I love y'all so much and I hope y'all have an amazing day.

Remember to stay gold!


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