Dally Winston

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Life with Dally was so much fun. Ever since you got married to him six months ago, life was so much better. Something about living life on the edge always appealed to you.
"Dally, slow down!" You giggle as you two speed down the highway, the open windows of your car blowing cool air in your face.
"You've known me long enough to know Dally Winston isn't going to slow down!" Dally said, smirking.
"Yes, I do." You replied, "but you've known
Y/N Winston long enough to know that it's for your own good to slow down a little."
Dally laughed like how he did at the Dingo when he was trying to pick up Cherry. That was the first time you laid eyes on Dally. It only took him two years to notice you existed.
"Wait, Dal," you asked suddenly, "where're we going anyway?"
"It's a surprise." Dally replied suspiciously.
"What kind of surprise?" You asked, "me and you have different definitions of the word surprise."
"Give you a hint," Dally said, "it's a special place for my special lady."
You blushed and started to look out the window to try to find the place.
The car pulled off the highway. You were getting close.
You saw a Dairy Queen up ahead and you thought you were going there until you passed it and turned into an abandoned alley.
"We're here!" Dally said, opening the door and hopping out of the car.
"Ok?" You muttered, doing the same.
When you got out of the car, Dally was waiting for you by a dumpster. He grabbed your hand and the two of you started to dance slowly.
"Why are we here Dally?" I asked, looking into Dally's eyes.
"You don't remember?" He said, "This was the place where I saved you from those Socs."
"Oh yeah!" You exclaimed, the memory coming back to me, "I could've caught off those Socs by myself, by the way."
"Mhm." Dally replied, twirling you around and dipping you, kissing you on the lips.
"Dally?" You asked as he brought you back up, "I need to ask you something."
Dally looked concerned, "What is it, Y/N?"
You shifted nervously and started to bite your lip, "I want to start a family."
"What?" Dally said.
"Oh, shoot." You groaned, "I'm sorry, Dally, it's just-"
Dally shut you up by passionately kissing me. When he pulled away he said, "I'd like to start a family, too."
You couldn't help but smile. You'd be starting a family with Dally Winston, your husband, the love of your life, and you couldn't wait!


Hey y'all! Hope you guys liked this Dally imagine. It took me FOREVER to get done because I had such a writers block while doing this, but I'm finally done! Yay!
Don't forget to give me suggestions for future imagines. Thanks guys!

Have a lovely day and remember to stay gold!


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