first beginnings

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One of love's first beginnings is just seeing that person everywhere.

Seeing their smile when someone else smiles, seeing their eyes when you're jammed into a crowded hallway. Even seeing their silhouette at an unexpected place, and, when your heart stops for a moment, it ends up being someone else.

And then, because you care about them so much, you begin to imitate them. You don't why, but you do. You admire them. You think that they're better than you could ever be.

So you start to smile like them. Laugh like them. Walk like them. Just as an effort to keep them in your mind as a positive light.

We always fall in love with the people who we think are better than us. The people who we want to be like.

Falling in love isn't a bad thing. Not at all. It's an action of humility: of acceptance. It's the ability to understand that we are all flawed and imperfect.

It is also very beautiful.

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