this does not own you

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Avoiding contact from others to steer clear of darting eyes

And if someone dares to look at you for a mere two seconds, you automatically think, "They're judging me."

Harmful thoughts linger in and out of our heads, inviting melancholy into our mentality

"I'm not good enough."

"I'm not worth it."

"I hate myself."

We are deceived into thinking that a pretty face or washboard abs is the source of all contentment.

But this is merely a shell

A hollow shell

This does not illustrate your intelligence

This does not exemplify your character

This does not define your fears, hopes and dreams

Yet we allow this hollow shell to pick at us more and more every day

We allow this to destroy our being.

You have a heart that pumps blood constantly, allowing you to run into your mother's arms

And neurons that fire in your brain every second, allowing you the ability to pursuit knowledge

And yet we dare to tell ourselves, "I'm not good enough."

You have a fingerprint that no one can claim as theirs

And a spectrum of emotions, allowing us to express ourselves in any way, shape or form

And yet we dare to look into the mirror and say "I'm not worth it."

We have been deceived into thinking that appearance is our biggest priority

That appearance is what we live for.

What a delusion our society has presented us.

You should be living for the adrenaline that runs through your veins after conquering your biggest fear.

You should be living for the euphoric rush you get when talking about your biggest passion.

Live for the twinkling canvas you are privileged to see every night

Or the sun that shines back at you on any given day

Live for the interconnection you share with your loved ones

And live to realize that this is a façade, and this does not own you

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