out of the blue

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A few days ago, a young man, whom I already knew from afar by a mutual friend but didn't really know, after a moment of watching me talk, said: "You know, you're a really happy person." I was taken aback by this, since I'm usually being scolded for my brutal honesty and my tactlessness. "Why would you say that?" I asked.

"Because, whenever I see you, you're always smiling. You have a lovely smile."

My friend asked me out of the blue, "Have you ever been in love?"

I thought about the question for a few seconds and then said, "Yes."

"How long did it take for you to fall in love," she asked.

Smiling I said, "Oh, only a few chapters or so..."

We were giving constructive criticism on each others self portriats today in my life-drawing class.

When the teacher called on you, you pointed a finger at my drawing and said, "Her lips aren't that shape, they have a more defined curve."

I didn't even care if it was criticism. You noticed my lip shape.

I melted.

Him: Do you know how beautiful you really are?

Me: Do you know how bad of a liar you are?

Him: That's why I would never lie to you.

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