skipping school

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I met you because I skipped school.

I didn't feel like going to school one day, so I stayed home and slept in, thus making me miss a quiz that I later had to make up in your homeroom. That's when you saw me for the first time--you later told me you liked me from the first time you looked at me.

You pretended to need a tissue, made a stupid joke--I laughed and you decided you had to pursue me. You asked all your friends if they knew me, grabbed people in the hall and asked them who I was if you saw me in passing. And then you told Emily, my best friend, that you liked this one girl but you didn't know her name, and she figured out that it was me you were looking for.

I was oblivious during all of this--but when we spoke for the first time, I liked you at once. I've never met anyone so funny, charismatic, and kindhearted. You are honestly my favorite person and the thought of you makes me smile on a daily basis. You're all I need to think about to get myself out of bed.

Since I'm a sophomore and you're a senior, we never would have met if I hadn't missed that quiz...

Moral of the story? Sometimes you have to stop looking, and you'll find everything you're searching for.

I love you, and I'm forever grateful you found out my name.

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