the truth II

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What if I told you they're out there? Right now. This very second. They are somewhere on this earth. They're looking for you. Yes you. They desire every single little thing you have to offer, from the way you laugh to the way your eyes light up when you smile. They hope to love someone who has every little quirk you have, they hope to find someone with a personality just like yours. They're out there looking for you. Someday you're going to meet them. Isn't that crazy? One day this stranger won't be a stranger and you will learn everything about them. And they're going to love you. Every little piece of you. You are the person they dream of loving someday. So don't give up on hope, because they won't be giving up on you. The hurt you're feeling right now? It's temporary. Years from now you will laugh at being so upset over someone, because you will have someone better, your ideal person. You will feel so silly for wasting your time and tears, because you have someone who will give you their time and who will dry your tears. Don't give up, they're looking for you.

To all girls who think they will never move past the boy currently in their heads, whether it be a lossed love or an unrequited one:

You will soon be greeted with a new boy. One who respects you the way the last one never did. One with new quirks, new colored eyes, new names he calls you, and a new laugh.

One day you will be enveloped in his arms and silently chuckle when you remember you once thought the last boy was the last page and only page of your book

Have faith, this too shall pass

you don't even realize how special you are

The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.

"Whether or not it means anything, I came to a conclusion: You're always trying to be a good person, and that's why you are one."

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