let me love you

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Let me write messages on your skin with the tips of my fingers. I'll tell you how it feels as if both our skins were made of the same thing, how touching you feels like home.

Let me drive over to your house with coffee and a burger. Let me leave love notes in your mailbox while you're at work. Let me leave flowers tucked under the wipers of your car.

Let me read poetry to you, in your bedroom at 2 a.m. in the morning, or on a bright Sunday morning.

Let me take you to secluded beaches and misty rainforests. Let me teach you how to fall in love with a place.

Let me be there for you when you're falling apart. If you ever feel like your heart is so broken it cannot be repaired, let me rip out my own heart and replace yours with it. Let me save you.

Let me love you.

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