ordinary yet extraordinary

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The hardest thing is when you like a friend.

I had never experienced this feeling before, every boy I have every had feeling toward was never a friend. Sure he was in a class or I saw him pass by me in the halls but he was never a guy I will tell 'hi' to or ask about his weekend.

In fact I never believed that that would occur. I had always predicted if I will like a person or not the first time I'd seen or met them.

I truly didn't care for this specific boy, I didn't care if we were seated next to one another and I didn't care about him in general. The first time I saw him I thought he was basic, he wasn't cute or attractive and he didn't cause my heart to papillate on the spot.

I had never truly had a guy friend before and I don't recall how he did it but he slowly started talking to me or would ask me a question but I didn't think much, I never gave a second glance.

One day I was in class, it was a normal day except for the fact that I had thought about him. I had never just randomly thought about him. He seamed to pop into my mind and never leave from that day forth.

I noticed his smirk and the twinkle in his eyes. I noticed his laugh and how he always approached me first. He was actually my friend and I hadn't noticed all these wonderful things about him. I had become more open toward him and I became surprised by the fact that he reciprocated that.

I truly never thought I would like a boy such as him since he was the outright opposite of the kind I am usually attracted to but I was proved wrong.

The way I feel toward him is impossibly different than I have ever felt. He is so close but he is also at a distance.

He acts like he feels the same but when someone is a friend you don't want to ruin it. I truly know the struggle you face when it's a friend you like and it's unbearable.

He compliments my shoes after checking me out, he jokes around with me and he finds me funny. We text one another and he makes me smile when I make him smile.

After I first thought about him the next thing I had thought was "oh no"

I didn't want to like him, heck I didn't want to like anyone but of all peoples could have liked I'm glad it was him.

Today he gave me a hug, It wouldn't look special to anybody looking but it was one of the most special things that has ever happened to me. I had never hugged a boy that wasn't family and today I had. It was one of those hugs that you use both arms for, the kind where his arms wrap around my waist.

I really like this boy,this ordinary boy turned out to be something extraordinary.

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