stranger danger

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Do you ever think someone could love you and you wouldn't know? Someone right now is thinking about you. Someone trips when they see you in the hallway. Whenever that someone enters a crowded room, it's you they automatically search for. Whenever that someone's phone goes off their heart flutters a tiny bit because they can't help but think, maybe it's you... Someone out there, in this giant, love-craving world dreams about you and wonders what you could possibly be thinking about in this precious moment. They want you and every part of you because someone thinks you are perfect.

It's so easy to fall in love with the guy you don't know so well in your maths class, with the curly hair and cheeky smile and the gaze that make you blush.

It's so easy to fall in love with the guy who sits opposite you on the train reading that book that you know is sitting dog-eared right by your bed at home.

It's so easy to fall in love with the guy on the street when you do that awkward left right left movement each time bumping into each other and giggling more and more.

There is something about a stranger that is mysterious and incredibly alluring. They are the ideal, the perfect, because they are only what you make them to be in your head.

But being in love with the boy I wake up to each day, with his morning breath and sticky up hair, that's something else. Because while he's not my tall dark stranger, he is himself, which is even better then any guy I could imagine up in my head.

Stop for just one second.

Think about all the people you've ever secretly had a crush on. All the people you've found attractive, but have never said anything to. Every stranger you've temporarily fallen in love with on public transportation. All of the people you've dreamed about and thought of in the early morning.

Now, take a moment to realize that you have been this person for so many people...and you had no idea.

I watched a guy fall in love with a girl the other day.

She didn't even notice it, while he looked as his whole world had changed.

The guy was standing by the doors and I was sitting down. We were on the metro, our faces towards each other. He was cute, really tall and broad of shoulders, he looked a bit out of place.

At some point, two girls entered and stood by the doors, just opposite of him. I didn't see their faces, they had their backs towards me, but I saw his -

First, he glanced at them. A quick look, nothing special. But after that first glance, he went in for a second glance. A third. A fourth. I could see he was looking at one of the girls in particular, whom I could only see from behind. She was this curvy brunette who laughed loudly while speaking to her friend. There must have been something about her, because after that fourth glance he just couldn't keep his eyes of her.

His whole body changed, his feet pointing towards her and he lowered his shoulders, as if the mere sight of her made him feel safe and relaxed. But his eyes, they were nothing but relaxed, they were in total and utter amazement. They way he looked at her, oh god, it was just the most beautiful thing. And he was smiling, this huge smile that touched his eyes and made them sparkle.

Once in a while it seemed she looked back, since he suddenly would stop gazing at her and quickly pretend to be fixing his watch or look outside the window, only to rest his eyes on her seconds later.

It was obvious he was following their conversation. Everytime she laughed, he smiled even bigger. You know that kind of smile that just appears, he didn't even seem aware he was doing it, he was just so taken by her.

At one point, when she laughed out really loudly and flipped her head backwards, he looked as if he had tears in his eyes. I'm not even kidding. As if he was longing for her sososo much, like his hands were about to reach out to just touch her face, any second.

He looked so happy.

He looked so in love.

After a while he got off the metro, and I was so curious to see this girl who seemed to have made a total stranger fall head over heals in love with her, but I never did.

It made me start thinking though, how many of you guys out there who might have had another person fall in love with you, just by looking at you or listening to your voice, without you ever noticing.

How sad, and completely beautiful, that is.

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