like the movies

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I want to kiss you like people kiss on the movies.

That whole "we're caught up in something totally unrelated but after staring a few seconds too long, we have this moment of realization to where it's like good GRIEF I want your hands on me and your lips on mine" thing.

And then we basically win an Oscar for our performance.

i wish this were a movie and we saw each other across a room and fell in love and you killed dragons for me and i fought off evil stepmoms for you. i wish i was a disney princess with no doubt about my feelings and you were a disney prince and that this would all end with us kissing in front of a sunset to an oscar winning soundtrack.

but life's not animated, and we don't have a soundtrack, and nothing's finished after an hour and a half.

why does life always color outside the lines?

3D isn't all its cracked up to be, i'd take a VCR life with you any day.

Our love could be like the one in movies. Not the dramatic kind of romantic movies; more like, rom-coms. Our love could be like Kat and Patrick Verona's or even Lizzie Bennett and Mr. Darcy. Unfortunately, unlike movies, we are unable to get past that awkward, 'I hate you' phase. I guess after all we are more of a tragedy.

What if we are meant to be together? What if this is going to be a fairy-tale romance, with a story book ending? Neither of us are willing to take the chance.

But what if we were willing? How amazing it could be.

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