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I was sitting on the grass in the shade of my favorite tree, in my favorite park. It was peaceful: birds chirping, wind upon my face.

Then I heard a laugh. A loud, heartfelt laugh. It sounded like it came from the other side of my tree. So I slowly walked around my huge oak until I found him.

He was curled up with his knees against his chest, his back against my tree, and a book balanced on his knees.

I slowly sat down next to him, in the same position as him. As I sat down, I said, "Hey."

He jumped a little, and looked up. I guess I was quieter than I thought. Or maybe he was just really enjoying his book. He hesitantly said, "Hey" in reply.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

He held up the book so I could see the cover. "OH MY GOD! You're reading The Princess Bride, too!" I held up my book, almost an exact replica of his.

"Oh! Wow! I've read this book so many times, I can almost recite the entire thing!" he said excitedly.

So that's where it all started. He said, "Hear this now, I will always come for you."

Smiling, I replied, "But how can you be sure?"

"This is true love. Do you think this happens every day?"

We laughed for a long while. Then he skipped a few scnes to this one: "I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me?"

"Well..." I replied. "You were dead!"

He looked me dead in the eye and said, "Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."

I could hardly breathe. "I will never doubt again."

"There will never be a need."

We stared at each other for a while, both thinking the same thing. We have this connection, these two strangers in a park, that nobody can break.

We met once a week under that tree. Always on Saturday. We always brought our book, and we'd recite it. We played every scene.

We had our first kiss under that tree, and on our 42 month anniversary, he proposed.

We've been married for five years now, and I swear, nothing can tear us apart.

Not even death.

2435 March 22

Golden Snitch,

The chase is on, boy; but I haven't even seen you yet - or met you.

I'm tired of hovering above the crowds and stands, always on edge. I'm tense because I'm afraid that I'll catch only a glimmer of your perfection before another girl steals you away.

Please. Fly in my direction. I'd hate to let Gryffindor down.



You are My Sally. I think I'm the J, Jack Skeleton, you've been searching for. The jerk who broke your heart, he is the Doctor finklestein who is keeping you imprisoned. Never letting you out of his sight, he's holding you back from seeing the excitement of the world. By being under constant surveillance in his large observatory, he is only harming you. He is not responsible for your life. You, my dear, are the one who has sewn herself back together when she fell apart. Not him. That other dude, well, he is just a complete ass. The Oogie Boogie in your life. Made up of a sac of bugs, amongst other things, he has never had good intentions when it comes to you. Maybe its because he was exiled from his previous town. He treats you badly, and you never deserve it. I am J, Jack Skeleton...well, I want to be the Jack skeleton in your life. The one who with you wants better things in life. I'll be there for you and promise to never hurt you. I promise only to love you my sweet, shy, rag doll. Will you be My Sally and let me be your Jack?

I just recently finished reading John Green's "Paper Towns" and I had this revelation about my crush. As I was reading I noticed how often Q talked about this idea of Margo that he had and imagined. And the more I read the more I realized that I have a lot in common with Q. And just as Q realized that Margo was just an idea he loved I realized that I don't like my crush like I thought I did, I like the idea of him that I have formed from what I see and notice, just like Q did towards Margo. And I realized that I actually have no idea what he really is like, and again like Q with Margo, I never really saw him "as a person" until now. And like Ben with Lacey, I see him as a sort of unattainable idea that I really like, but will probably never get the pleasure of truly knowing.

Overall just reading this book I realized that I don't actually like him for him but rather I like this idea of him that I've formed during the time I have known him. So maybe instead of being this guy I really like, maybe loved, he is truly just a boy "who was an idea I loved" and it's pretty fucking depressing and incredibly weird now that I am aware of this... And I just honestly don't know how to describe it.

in the book 'the fault in our stars' hazel grace tells of how every time she talks on the phone with augustus, she goes to a third world with just the two of them, even though she is still in her bedroom.

i didn't understand what she was talking about, until today, when i talked on the phone with you for the first time. we spoke for an hour with no interruptions, and hearing your voice made me feel so much better, as the day wasn't going so well. so even though you were on your porch and i was in my room, it was almost like we were together, in a place only the two of us can go to.

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