my favorite book

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I wish you were a book.

You would be my favorite book, one that is worn and soft because I take you everywhere with me. I want to know you by the scent of your yellowing pages. I want to memorize my favorite parts and highlight the bits of you that I like best. I want to write in your margins, melding my thoughts and yours. And I want to sign my name on the inside of your cover, not because you belong to me but rather because I want to be a part of you.

you smiling at me is like an avid reader finding out their favorite book is actually a part of a trilogy.

i never knew what love was, until the boy who only cared about books more than anything, gave me his ONLY copy of his favorite book for valentines day.

I wish you could be a character in a book. Not for the normal reasons, but for all the wrong ones. I want everyone to see the snowflakes on your eyelashes and the wisdom in your eyes, captured better in wood-pulp pages than a picture ever could. I want to capture all the life in you and put it in a book, much as we do with trees. I want you to live forever in a library, pockets of silence and rainy day paradise, lost in fingerprints and bastille lyrics and the peanut butter smudges of a girl too far under the surface to put her book down for lunch.
So be glad I don't have control of these things. I would conjure a character world, and then you could hardly enjoy this one, right?

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