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She once asked me the name of my favourite poet and I replied God

She laughed and played along and asked me which one of his works was my absolute favourite

I said it was the one where he wrote her into existence.

I've been in love with someone that didn't love me back and I've been loved by someone that I didn't love back but I don't know which is worse: to be broken or to break another soul.

i want to apologize to all the women i have called beautiful before i've called them intelligent or brave.
i am sorry i made it sound as though something as simple as what you're born with
is all you have to be proud of when you have broken mountains with your wit. from now on i will say things like you are resilient, or you are extraordinary not because i don't think you're beautiful, but because i need you to know you are more than that.

do you ever stop and realize that people probably discuss you from time to time when you aren't around to witness it
not even in a specifically positive or negative way just like
people mention you, or think of you, you occur to people sometimes
thats the most unnerving thing that i can think of, thats so weird, that i exist to people when im not even interacting with them

'i love myself '


Don't date a girl just because everyone else in the room can't take their eyes off her, or that black dress hugs her curves perfectly. Date a girl who you think about while waiting for the subway. Who makes you want your words to sound like some pretentious asshole who sits at Starbucks all day with a laptop wrote them. Date a girl who makes you think of stargazing in the summer and hot drinks in the winter. Don't date a girl you can see the rest of your life with, date a girl who makes certain moments of your life unforgettable. Don't date a girl who if after two weeks she "won't give it up" to you. Don't date a girl who if after 6 months won't give it up. Date a girl who you will wait till the ends of the earth till she's ready, a girl who you will gladly light the candles for. Date a girl who you will do anything to get that smile that melts your heart. Don't date a girl who you're dependent on. Date a girl who makes you more dependent on yourself to be better.

Someday, someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you've never seen, they'll look at you like you're everything they've been looking for their entire lives. Wait for it.

Date someone who is interested in you. I don't mean someone who thinks you're cute or funny. I mean someone who wants to know every insignificant detail about you. Someone who wants to read every word you write. Someone who wants hear every note of your favourite song, and watch every scene of your favourite movie. Someone wants to find every scar upon your body, and learn where each one came from. Someone who wants to know your favourite brand of toothpaste, and which quotes resonate deep inside your bones when you hear them. There is a difference between attraction and interest. Find the person who wants to learn every aspect of who you are, and hold onto them.

marry me.
let's spend our week nights eating cereal on the floor when there is a perfectly fine table behind us.
we can go to the movies and sit in the back row just to make out like kids falling in love for the first time.
marry me.
we'll paint the rooms of our house and get more paint on us than the walls.
we can hold hands and go to parties we end up ditching to drink wine out of the bottle in the bathtub.
marry me. and slow dance with me in our bedroom with an unmade bed and candles on the nightstand.
let me love you forever.
..marry me.

I love unmade beds. I love when people are drunk and crying and cannot be anything but honest in that moment. I love the look in people's eyes when they realize they're in love. I love the way people look when they first wake up and they've forgotten their surroundings. I love the gasp people take when their favorite character dies. I love when people close their eyes and drift to somewhere in the clouds. I fall in love with people and their honest moments all the time. I fall in love with their breakdowns and their smeared makeup and their daydreams. Honesty is just too beautiful to ever put into words.

I'm still hoping it's you and me in the end.

I love the idea that you are somewhere on this earth right now. Doing your own thing. I don't know who you are or what you look like. I might know you already, I might not.

What I find most exciting is, how important we will be to each other one day... Whenever that day may be.

The way to love someone is to lightly run your finger over that person's soul until you find a crack, and then gently pour your love into it.

You did not love me,
You just loved the fact that I was here for you.
You loved the attention I gave you,
You loved the fact that I would drop anything for you.
You did not love me, but god, I loved you.

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