the truth

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This is never going to happen, is it.

Nothing gets your mind off one boy like another boy.

Sometimes the hardest thing to let go of is something you never really had. What could have happened, didn't. It is just the way the cookie crumbled. This is my goodbye to you. I'll never forget the way you made me smile.

I never "disliked you." I was just scared, I was always just scared.

It takes courage to love someone, but it takes even more to love yourself.

My first love was some insignificant boy when it should have been myself.

Sometimes your heart can break without that special someone breaking it. It can crack at the sight of seeing your best friend sobbing, or tear at the sound of someone's voice cracking right before they start to cry. It can shatter watching your friend lay in their hospital bed, wires and tubes hooked up to their arms and nose. Your heart is a fragile thing. And anyone you care about can break it.

You either have the feeling or you don't.

In this completely harsh and spectacular world we live in, average is just the sum of your pain divided by your strength.

A not-so-wise man's advice

Just go for it. Stop comparing yourself to others and thinking somebody else would make them happier.Stop thinking about all the reasons why they can't be with you. Stop looking at all the negative parts of you and thinking that's all they see. Stop feeling like you're silly because you feel something strong for someone and they might not know it or return the feeling yet. If you feel love or even just like for someone, you're experiencing the most beautiful emotion you can have during your time on this planet. Cherish it. Don't hate it just because it puts you on a rollercoaster of emotions sometimes. Embrace the ride. Enjoy when they make you smile, accept the parts of them that frustrate you or disappoint you. If you have a chance to get that someone...go get them. Take the plunge. Don't let them get away.

If someone wants to be in your life, they'll make an effort to be in it. Don't bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay.

I think feelings are silly. They consume us, they take us through the rollercoasters of heaven and hell, they make us lose our minds and they make us bawl our hearts out.

At the same time, feelings can be lovely. Feeling attracted to someone. Wanting to be nice to them. The heart flutters, the faces brightening up, the blushes, the tender words of affection.

I've always been troubled by my feelings. Either they agonise me or they make me feel so amazing that I forget everything else.

But no matter what, I hope we can all come out stronger after these battles with our feelings. Whether we end up with the right one or the wrong one, whether we end up with anyone at all, I guess it's important to have had feelings; to have felt truthfully and honestly.

At the end of the day it may not matter so much, feelings can change too, right? So it's okay to feel.

What I don't understand are crushes. Yes, you're attracted to someone, you want to make them laugh, you want to see their smile, they're almost constantly on your mind. Crushes can be developed from friendship or a crush can instantly come up in one single moment. There can be reasons as to why you have feelings for that person or you can't. Someone could have a crush on a total asshole - they wouldn't know how or why, they just do. He's mean to you, maybe he lives on the other side of the world, his beliefs don't match up with yours, he doesn't think like you, maybe you don't even know him, never even talked to him, but he gives you these damn butterflies that you just can't seem to get rid of.

Then there are people that are just so thoughtful and wonderful and nice. You think they are attractive, they treat you with respect, make you laugh, and you wonder how someone so lovely could exist but you aren't attracted to them in anyway. Your feelings are platonic. You cannot exactly force a crush, either, it just doesn't happen like that.

The human mind is a complex thing, let's not even speak of feelings. Sometimes you don't even realize your own feelings until it's too late or someone makes you see. Sometimes you might think it's a crush but it's simply adoration or a small flutter of infatuation, but you don't like them that way.

Crushes are frustrating as hell.

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