scrapbook of memories

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i want to build a scrapbook of memories with you.

ticket stubs from movies. subways. visits to museums. theme parks. Disneyland. plane trips to foreign countries. bus fares. carnivals. town fairs. shows on broadway. shows at the local theatre.

pictures from polaroid cameras. from digital cameras. from our phones. from photo booths. from disposable cameras.

pictures of family. friends. parties. laughter. smiles. bubbles. sparklers. of stupid random disorder. of us.

notes. letters. reminders. a collection of fortunes from fortune cookies. grocery lists. to-do lists. receipts. recipes. corny jokes. angry confessions. sad news.

brochures from art museums. fliers from festivals. drawings of stick figures. take-out menus from restaurants when we stay up late watching movie marathons and old re-runs of favorite childhood tv shows.

wrappers. song lyrics. lipstick stains. and spilt coffee and tea.

footprints. fingerprints. smears of chocolate and vanilla. glitter scattered in the messiest array of beautiful.

help me not to forget your laughter and happiness in everything i see. and we can make this world our own scrapbook of memories.

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