Chapter 19

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"Mia, this is Liam. He's my date." I didn't know she was bringing a date.

The guy turned from his seat "Hey, It's nice to meet you."

"Hey, you too. I'm Mia." He was a good looking blonde and grey eyes. I can't tell if he's tall or not because he was sitting down. He didn't speak anything on the rest of the way. It was complete silent. I noticed Amanda tried to speak but she gone back to focus on driving. It was kind of awkward.

We reached our destination. We all gets out from the car. There it is again the feeling of being watch come back again. This time I'm too scare to look around. We all went inside the pub.

Susan and Tom are already there, sitting with another guy. I can see the back of his head. What's going on? Is this some kind of set up for a date? We walked to them, Tommy got up when he saw me. Susan pulled me into a hug, I had to lean down a bit. She give me a kisses on my cheeks "Congratulation Mia." Tommy does the same same and said "Congratulation sis." I turned to the guy. Bloody Shawn. It was "Shawn."  What the hell is he doing here? "Shawn" try to kiss me on my lips   instead landed on my cheek. "Congrats babe!" Shawn said in his wicked smile. I don't know why this man always scare me.

"What are you doing here Shawn?" I asked. "Susan invited me." He pulled me to sit down beside him. "Oh, did she?" I shot a  look at Susan. She shrugged.

I see Susan is already drinking a glass of wine and Tommy is drinking a beer.  So is Shawn.  Tommy signal the waiter and order a bottle of  Cristal. Everyone was quiet.

"Liam" was very quiet. I can see the regret on  Amanda's face. Eventually Tom broke the silent by asking me "How was your first day Mia?"

Thank god! It's getting weird around here.

"It's was good. Thanks!"

"Is Henry treating you good?" As soon as I heard his name my heart jump out of my chest. How did he know Henry?

"How did you know my boss name's  Henry?"

"Our dads know each other and I designed his house."

"Oh!" I wanted to ask more but I didn't want Susan and Amanda to jump into conclusion. Tommy is an architect. Our waiter arrived with a bottle of champagne. We made a toast. I took a sip.

"Do you got anything to do with me getting a job?" I asked Tommy with suspicious.

He shake his head quickly "I swear to my wife I've got nothing to do with it."

Susan nearly spill her wine "Oi, why are you swearing on me. Swear on yourself."

"Sorry, baby." He kissed him. She kisses him back and once they start to they don't stop. It turned to one make out session.

Shawn put his arm around my shoulder and "Shall we make out too." He tried to kiss me. I push him over. He groaned drink his beer, looks annoy.

"Sue. Susan." I stopped them from kissing.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" I told Susan and signal my head to the bar.

"Yeah, sure."

We both got up from the table went to the bar.

"Why did you invite Shawn?" I hissed at her.

"What? Why not? He seem to like you."

"Ya, and to all other different girls he brought home every night."

"What? Really?" She turned her head at the table.

"No no, don't look at them. God!"

"Are you sure?" She ask me.

"Yes, I hear him having sex every night. And I don't know why, he scares me."

"It can't be that bad. I mean he's a man. Of course he'll have sex. It's normal for a good looking guy like him. Plus he's a model too."

"He's a man whore. He probably slept with every girls in the city." I argue with her.

"Man are pig." I said my brain went to my ex.

She gasped and dramatically put her hand over her chest. "Don't even say that. Take it back." 

"I didn't mean all men. Tommy is nice guy. So is Dad and uncle. Oh, you know what I mean." My face falled.

She hold my hand  "I know what you mean sweetie. But you have to forget the past. You need to find someone. You need to give a chance." She confort me.

"And I'm sorry that I invited Shawn without asking you. This is your night ok. Live a little."

"Ok. I'm sorry that I pissed you." I apologized her.

She pulled me to a hug. I hug her back and "I love you Susan. Thanks for looking out for me. You're a good sister."

"I love you too sweetie."

We went back to the table.

"Ah, look at you two. All made up for peace." Tommy joked.

Susan teasingly slapped on his shoulder and winked at me.

Come to think of it even though we are cousins we fought like real sisters. When we were little we are not this close. She lived in a different city and I lived in another. But we always liked each other. She has her own little sister. But it's seem they don't like each other that much she never talk about her much.

We ordered our food and enjoy the night. To my surprise Shawn is in his best behaviour. He tell jokes and kept us all laughing. Poor Liam, he was very quiet and Amanda seem bored with him. I don't think I will be seeing him in the future.

After 10, we all said our goodnight and went home separately. Susan said they will take me home because Amanda is a little drunk. But she protest that she can drive me home.

"No, it's all right. I can get taxi."

"I can take you home. We do live next door." Shawn chimes in.

"Ok. Thank you!"

"Are you sure? We can take you home." Susan is being a big sister.

"Yep. Don't worry."

"Ok. Be safe." She glance at Shawn.

"Don't worry we will." Shawn wickedly grinned at her.

We got on to his car and went home.

"Did you had a good time?" I asked nicely to Shawn. I'm making an effort like Susan said.

"Yep, thank you. Did you?"

"I did. Thanks for keeping us laugh."

"Wow! Am I hearing nice words from you?" He tease.

I chuckled.

I gets out from the car. The feeling of being watch is back again. We said goodnight and went to our own places.


"Yes sir. They went up together."

A man in the black BMW inform to a man on the other line.

"Shall I wait and see sir?"

"No, You can come home now." A man on the other replied with a hint of anger on his voice.


Hey guys, tell me if you like it or not. Should I go on writing or stop. I really really love to know what you think. Please vote and comment.

Love ya xxx

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