Chapter 17

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              *Dedicated to clark_M17*

Amelia POV

Thank god! It wasn't raining, so it was easy to get a taxi. When I reached home, I saw a moving van and white mercedes benz out my flat's building.

Is someone moving out or moving in? I saw two men carried a couch into the building. It's moving in. I paied the driver, got out of the car. When I got out one worker whistled at me which I ignored.

I open the door to got inside, "Can you hold the door please?" I heard a man.

I turned and quickly hold the door before it's closed. A man carring three boxes on top of each other at once. I can't see his face because it was behind the two boxes.

"Thanks!" He put down his boxes on the floor and straighten himself up.

He was wearing blue tight tshirt with an S and black jean. I knew it was "Superman" shirt as soon as I saw it. He was very tall. I think he's about 6 ft 2, brown eyes, dark hair,muscular and in his 20's.  I can see he has tight abs.

He smiled a cute smile "Hi!"

I smile politely at him "Hi!"

"You live here?"

"Um...Yep." I answered.

"Brilliant!" He say excitingly. Not like other men his eyes didn't travel down to my chest. I think he might be gay! His eyes travelled my down my body. Nope, I thinked too soon. He's not gay.

" I'm l2D. You?" He continue his conversation to me.

"I'm 12C."

"Great! I'm your new neighbour. I'm Clark by the way." I smiled widely.

"Like Clark Kent?" I asked.

His eyes brighten up immediately, "You're a Superman's fan?" Okay, I like him.

"I'm Mia. And yes to your question, I'm a Superman's fan."

He's practically jump ups and downs with excitement. I laughted. This is the first time I laugh because of a stranger man. He's seem free spirit and fun.

"I've never met a girl like you is a fan of Superman."   He gesture me with his hand over my body.

I frown " What do you mean a girl like me?"

"I didn't mean to sound rude. You look like a girly girl type with high heel and office job."

"Well, you haven't been looking enough. And I'm wearing like this because I had a job interview. Today's my first day."

"Well done! Congrats!"

"I'm your lucky bunny then."

"Beg your pardon. You're my what?"

"A lucky bunny! You got your job the day I move in your building." He explained. I laughed.

"Okay!" Then I realized we were standing on the door way.

"Here, let me give you a hand!" I offered him my help.

"No, that's all right. I can manage."

"Let me!" I slinged my bag over my shoulder and pick up one of his boxes. He picked up other two and we wait for the elevator. Before we went to the elevator, I saw a black BMW parked across the street through the door. And there's again, the feeling of being watch is back. It's twice today now.

We've got to the elevator. Clark turned to me "Do you cook?"

"Um...Yep! Why?"

"Because I'm here by inviting myself for a coffee every morning and a home cooked meal for the weekend at your place."

Wow, he's very forward.

I giggled. "Ok."

"But after 7 in the morning though. Don't knock on my door very early or I will Kryptonite you."

He roared with laughter and ask "Be my Lois?" He asked. I scrunch my nose "We've just met."

When we got out he asked me if I have plans for tonight.

I told him about going out for a celebration with my sister and friend.

"Oh!" He went silence. I felt bad for not inviting him then I asked if he wanted to come with us.

"I would love to but it's going to be all girls." He pulled a face.

"My brother in law's going to be there." I told him.

We got out the elevator.

"I'll take a rain check. I want to settle my stuff in my place first."

"Ok, no problem."

His door is already opened and people inside. I droped his box inside, said bye and went into my place. 

I need to get ready for the night out.


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