Chapter 46

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Amelia POV

Henry smiled brightly when he see me sitting at my desk when he stepped out of the elevator but his smile broke when he noticed my hand in bandage wrap.

“Mia,  you should be resting at home."

"It's boring sitting at home nothing to do. Besides my hand doesn't hurt much anymore. It's getting better. See. "

I waved my hand at him. “I can type."

He smiled.

“I'm glad your hand is getting better love."

“Thank you." I smile back at him.

He went into his office. I checked his  schedule he has meeting at 10am. When I checked whom with his meeting is I felt myself uneasy. It was Standford.

“Ugh! "

I knocked on the office door and went inside his office.

“Um... Henry, you have meeting at 10am with David Standford and a few from his board."

“Oh I see. Thank you Mia."

“No problem." I turned around and turn back remember something.


He lift his head from his computer screen.

“Yes Love?"

“Do you mind if I skip the meeting? I'm not sure I want to face Standford yet." I told him. 

“No, not at all."

“Are you OK love?" He asked with concerns.

“Yep,  I'm fine. It's just I feel weird to see him sooner than I thought. I mean right after I punched him on the face and all." I answered.

“He brought that to himself. He should  have known better to make an indecent proposal to my girlfriend. I say he served that right. I will do a lot more damage to him if it wasn't for your promise."

“Thank you. I lov..." I was going to say him I love you to him accidently but I stopped.

“I better get back to work." I left the office to escape the awkwardness in the air.  Henry starting at me with his beautiful blue eyes. Longing for me to finish my sentence.

I'm sorry Henry. I can't right now. Give me a little time.

At 10am Henry left for the meeting. I stay behind my desk and do my work. 

About 10:55 am the elevator pinged.

The meeting was fast.  I wonder if everything is OK. 

I look towards the elevator instead of Henry I saw his sister in law Kate walked in. 

Wearing a designer black dress and designer Jewells. Her outfit cost more than my two months salary. I know that because I just saw that dress in a magazine a few days ago.

“Oh Kate. Hello!" I got up from my chair and greet her. 

“Is Henry here?" She asked ignoring my hello. 

That was rude.

“No.  He's at the meeting. Can I leave a message?" I asked.

“No.  I will just wait here till he got back. Can you let him know I'm here!"

She said it more like an order than a favour.

“Sure! "

“Would you like to wait he.... "

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