Chapter 34

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* Hey guys, still going with writer's POV. Hope you like the last update.*


"Mia, sweety! It's lunch time. You need to eat something!" 'Susan said through the door. She leaned on the door and listened what's going on inside. Nothing. Nothing came out.

"Sweety!  Are you asleep?" Susan asked again. Nothing came out. No answer.

"Mia, I'm getting worried. At least say something or we gonna force open the door." Susan said a little louder. She was getting panic.

"I'm ok." Mia finally answered.

"Oh...ok. If you need anything we're here." Susan wait for the answer. Nothing again.

The three watched movies after movies while they are waiting for Mia to come out of her room.


3:15 pm

Amanda checked her text "Henry've been calling William to asked about Mia."

"I told him there's nothing. She doesn't even come out of her room."

"Ugh!!!" Amanda threw her head back on the couch. She was sitting in the middle with Clark on her left and Susan on right wit her legd stretched on Amanda. Amanda took a bowl of popcorn from Susan's hand.

Clark checked his watch "This's not how I planed my Saturday with two chicks on the couch without getting laid."

"Ew!" Amanda said.

Susan threw him with a popcorn.

"At least show me show me some tits." Clark continue.

"Dude! I'm marry." Susan said to Clark. Annoyed.

"Not talking about you." Clark said and looking at Amanda with a smirk.

Amanda threw a bowl of popcorn on Clark's head. "In your dream."

"You're not my type anyway." Clark said taking a popcorn from his head and putting in his mouth. Susan laughed looking at Clark and they're all laughed with her.

Mia's door swang open, they all stopped laughing and their eyes following her gawking at her.

Mia went in to the kitchen, they heard a sound of fridge openning and closing. Mia came out with a bag of frozen peas holding on her forehead. She stopped infront of them.

"I want to go clubbing. Tonight!" Mia said with one hand on her hip and the other holding a frozen peas bag on her forehead.
"I want to have fun. I want to get drunk and forget everything that's happened to me. I'm not going to moping around anymore just becsuse my life Sucks. I want to party.  Let's go clubbing tonight. Who's with me?"

Clark slowly lift his hand but Amanda put his hand down.

"Are you on something?" Susan asked.

"No. Should I be?" Mia said sarcastically.

Susan huffed and raised her eyebrow.

"What? Just because the men I've dated are wankers and players that doesn't mean I have to be sad and moody and cried all my life. Even though I've done everything that but I'm not anymore. I'm changing myself. I want to have sex with the first guy I met for god's sake. Turn out I liked sex. Wonder why I haven't done that in the first place. I want to do everything that every girls that does at my age. I want to have one night stand and..." Mia trailed off but,

"I don't think so." Susan cuts her off sternly.

"That is not you. You're just going through a phase. And beside Henry's..."

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