Chapter 55

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Sirens. I hear sirens outside the building. Polices in my room. Nik and Clark talking to one of the policeman who was taking notes. A couple of them taking away the bottle of wine on the table that we drunk. Putting the wine glass in the clear zipper bag. Some are taking pictures. Evidence? * Is this a crime scene?* A thought run through my mind. I'm having an anxiety attack.

" Miss!" " Miss!" A voice called out.

I looked up to the voice. A female paramedic talking to me bringing my attention to her.

" Are you ok?" " Are you hurt?" The paramedic asked.

I didn't say anything.

" Lets take a look at you ok." She kneeled down in front of me then I realized I'm sitting on the couch and I have a blanket on me to covered my half naked body. * Who put this on me?*

I was nearly raped.

" I'm going to throw up!" I said to the paramedic. She quickly gave me a bag which I vomited in it repeatedly.

The paramedic did some check up on me and some test. She took samples by swopping Q-tip in my mouth. She even took the vomit bag. She took photos of me. Of what???

I look down at myself. I have bruises. They are on my arms and things. I want to vomit again.

I removed the blanket on me and run to the bathroom. Put me head in the toilet and vomited again and again. I feel so dizzy. My head is pounding like a beating drum.

" Mia "

It's Henry.

I quickly got up on my feet and close the bathroom door. * I can't see him. I can't let him see me like this.*

" Mia " Henry knocking the bathroom door.

" Mia , open the door. Mia ".

I didn't reply. He knocked harder.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Is that a hickey?" No. Not just one hickey. I have hickeies on my neck and above my left breast. I feel disgusted.

" Mia. Please open the door. "

His voice is gentle. He's not angry.

" Just a moment." I replied. I saw a rope hanging near the shower.

I run the water , gargle my mouth with water because I was just vomiting and then I washed my face. I grabbed the robe to put it on and made sure everything is covered.

I opened the bathroom door. Henry standing there with upmost worries in his eyes. He pulled me to a hug.

I hugged him back. It felt like I haven't been hug like this by him for so long. Like we been apart for so long. It's so right. It feel so safe.

He pulled away to aspect me. I hesitant.

" I'm ok. Just my head hurts. "

" I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." He cupped my face and apologized.

" Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything." I replied holding his hands on my face.

" Exactly! I didn't do anything. I should've been there. I should've been here with you." " I'm so sorry."

" I couldn't imagine what would happen if Clark wasn't there. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He repeated.

" Hey, it's not your fault. I should've listen to you when you warn me. It's my fault for trusting him. But I'm ok. I'm here. It's over now. Nothing happened."

Did it. Did nothing happened? A little voice in my head asked me.

" Where is he? Where the fuck is he?" Henry in rage.

" They arrested him sir. Police are taking him into custody. He's in the car." Nik reported him.

Henry stormed off.

" Sir " Nik run after him.

Clark and I followed them.

" WHERE IS HE? WHERE IS HE?" Henry shouting in absolute rage.

His eyes laid on Shawn sitting in the back of the police car.

He grabbed the car door open in such speed and grabbed Shawn by the neck to pull him out of the car. He then thrown Shawn against the police car and punched him in the face a couple of time before he was forcefully pulled away by two policeman. They had to peel him off from Shawn. Shawn fell down next to the car with bloody lips, nose and bruises on his cheek.

" Mr.Windsor stop or we will arrest you too on the ground of assault." The policeman said to Henry.

Nik was also holding Henry from the back and pulling away from the scene.

" Sir, please calm down. This is not the time. " Nik said to Henry while pulling him away. I run to them. I stood in front Henry.

" Henry, please stop or they gonna arrest you too."

" Good. Then I can kill him in prison." His reply socked me.

I turned around to see Shawn who was dropped down on the pavement. His hands still in cufflinks behind his back. A police man lifting him up to stand up.

" Henry please stop. Let the police take care of him. Please. It's over now. "

I put my hand on his chest. His heart is beating so fast.

" Nik please take him upstairs." I asked Nik. Clark, who was just standing their watching everything with eyebrows squeezed.

" Clark"

He turned to me.

" Please take Henry to my room."


Nik pulled away Henry.

I turned around to look at Shawn. He saw me and smirk.

He licked his bloody lips while looking at me and spit on the pavement. He smirk again.

I shiver.

The policeman him back in the car. I didn't even wait to see what happened after I left as soon as possible from the area.


Thank you for reading.

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