boggart | draco malfoy

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draco malfoy x fem!reader (no voldemort au)

warnings: mention of bullying, angst with fluffy ending

word count: 2.8k

summary: how a seemingly harmless prank turned into a show of love nobody could've possibly anticipated

this is written by : Malfoysmatrioshka on Tumblr

There was only one word Y/N could possibly be described with and that was terrifying.

If Draco Malfoy was the prince of Slytherin, she was the reigning queen, a stone cold bitch with a heart as dark as the bottom of the Black Lake.

Everyone was scared of her and they had every right to be so. Whereas most of her peers used harsh words and mean jabs at others as a way to put them into place and obtain their reputation, she did it without even thinking about it, as if it was nothing more than an afterthought. On most days it seemed as if there was not a single soul, not a single thing she didn't hate. Except for her boyfriend.

Despite the fact that they might be considered a match made in heaven, both ruthless and proud, filthy rich and from families of the highest standing amongst Slytherin's, people were surprised. Draco Malfoy was a bully, yes, and he had no shame to use a person's biggest weakness against them. Y/N? She could take your strength and pulverise you with it.

Hermione Granger had gotten used to being referred to as a mudblood by most of her green-robed classmates over the years, learning to ignore the sting the word always brought with it. Y/N, however, had never seen it necessary to use that word against her. In another lifetime Hermione might consider it an act of kindness, believing that the reason the other girl didn't use that derogatory term against her was because she thought it unreasonably harsh and because she believed that blood-status didn't matter. She knew better though, because the real reason she had never said that word to her was because she didn't need to. Y/N had the power to destroy her with the snap of a finger by pointing out something the Gryffindor was supposed to be proud of.

"You really believe that just because you will graduate from Hogwarts on the honorary roll it will make any kind of difference in your life?" she had told her one day when she overheard Hermione gush to her friends about how she figured out a way to make it onto said list without having a perfect mark in potions, the only class she couldn't ace, no matter how hard she tried to. "Congrats to you, Granger. But in ten years time, people will ask you to stop talking when you mention it, and then what will you have? You can try all you want, but at the end of the day, you'll still be a nobody."

She had walked off without even so much as looking back to catch a glimpse of Hermione's reaction because she didn't care. She didn't say those things because she enjoyed to see people suffer; it didn't matter to her what anyone else felt. It just happened to be a lot of fun to know that she could wreck absolute havoc without even having to think twice about it.

People had all kinds of things to say about Y/N behind her back and, the crazy ones, even to her face. She didn't pay all too much attention to any of it though, rarely even bothering to do as much as raise an eyebrow before managing to say the one thing that will get whoever dared to stand up to her to run to the bathroom with tears streaming down their face.

Draco was absolutely infatuated with her. The crazy thing, however, was that she was just as smitten with him.

It had come as an absolute shock when the first bunch of students had found the two of them holding hands in the hallway, both sporting the same love-drunk looks on their faces.

There were no words to describe the amount of confusion that elicited from every single being, both living and dead and even painted, at school.

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