Sleeping Beauty

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written by I-cant-type-help on Tumblr

Summary: Y/N wakes up before Draco and finds ways of entertaining herself whilst he sleeps.

Y/N felt the harsh sunlight beat down onto her face, and almost immediately her eyes began to flutter open. She took a quick look again the room, taking in her surroundings and orientating herself with the real world.

She looked over to her side to see the clock which read, 10:38. Y/N groaned loudly to herself and shook her head, her and Draco didn't usually sleep in this late and she had quite honestly planned to get alot done this morning. But, of course, Draco had other plans last night and Y/N was never one to say 'no' to him.

Clearly last night had taken its toll on Draco too, as Y/N looked to her right to see Draco peacefully sleeping. His mouth was slightly open, and Y/N watched as he took in little breaths of air and released them again slowly. She noticed the way his lips moved slightly as he did so.

Y/N moved her body sideways, so she was facing Draco fully, and could feel his breaths hitting her face. Draco's arms had been wrapped slightly around her before, but now they wrapped her fully, cocooning her.

She watched him sleep peacefully for a few more moments, and noticed as a few strands of Draco's hair fell onto his forehead, causing his face to scrunch up slightly.

"Dracooo" Y/N whispered, testing the waters to see if he would wake. Draco stayed sleeping, a few light snores leaving this mouth. Y/N smirked and let out a mini maniacal laugh to herself.

She began to blow on the strands of hair, watching as they swayed in different directions depending on which way she blew. The little blows of air tickled Draco slightly, causing his nose to twitch a few times, but the blows ultimately didn't stop him from staying asleep.

Y/N cautiously raised her hand to stroke the strands of hair that had fallen out of place. As soon as she saw no reaction, she ran her fingers through his hair and began to stroke it slowly, feeling the soft texture against her skin.

"So fluffy", she whispered to herself. Y/N loved to run her fingers through Draco's hair, but Draco despised it, always saying 'you'll mess it up', before cockily adding 'it takes a lot to look this good, you know'.

"Can't stop me now!" Y/N giggled to Draco's sleeping form, continuing to wrap her nimble fingers around each strand before brushing it out again.

After Y/N felt satisfied with caressing Draco's hair, she moved onto his face and began to run her fingers along his cheeks. She drew circles around his freckles and scars, and ran her fingers in lines over his face lightly. Y/N took notice of his little imperfections, and ran her fingers of each one, joining them up with her strokes as if they made a constellation.

Y/N stroked his bottom lip very lightly, before flicking with the top of her index finger and watching as his face scrunched as a reaction, causing her to let out a small laugh. She stroked his lips one more time, before placing a small kiss onto them and then placing another kiss onto his jaw.

Y/N placed her head into Draco's chest and nuzzled close, allowing the warmth to envelope her and coax her back into sleep. But before she could, she felt Draco's chest vibrate and a whisper in her ear.

"Finished already?" Draco whispered, his hot breath hitting her cheek. This caused Y/N to let out a squeak of surprise and jump back and out of Draco's arms.

"I-What- But- I thought" Y/N began, sitting up and staring at Draco's smug face in confusion, "I thought you were asleep!"

"What can I say? I'm a man of many talentes, and fake sleeping just so happens to be one of them" Draco shrugged, a smirk still resting on his face. Y/N pouted her lip before lying on her side and turning her back to Draco.

"Awe, darling" Draco cooed, wrapping his arm around Y/N's waist.

"No, I don't like you!" Y/N muttered defiantly in a baby-like tone.

"Not even with my fluffy hair?" Draco whispered into her ear, before laughing and pressing his head into her back to muffle his laughter.

"Hey!" Y/N yelled, swiftly turning back round to face Draco and grabbing his wrists softly, " Not funny!". Y/N's anger caused Draco to laugh more, making Y/N let out a frustrated groan and push Draco flat onto his back using his wrists.

"Stop it!" Y/N cried, but her voice began to fill up with laughter itself even though she tried to keep it down and keep a straight face.

"You're cute when you're angry" Draco simply replied, smiling up at his girlfriend smugly.

"Am not!" Y/N muttered, still pressing Draco's wrists into the bed but loosening her grip ever so slightly, which Draco used to his advantage.

"Yes,you are", he said, before flipping Y/N around so she was now pressed against the bed.

"And besides, I thought you smothering me was very sweet" Draco said softly, before pressing a kiss onto Y/N's temple and letting go of her wrists, and nuzzling his head into her chest as he flopped down next to her.

"Yeah, whatever" Y/N scoffed, before wrapping her arm around Draco's head and stroking his cheek with her thumb as he nuzzled himself further into her chest.

"And I mean, who can blame you? I am pretty perfect" Draco added cockily with a grin, causing Y/N to tap his head with a playful smack.

"Oh, shut it" Y/N whispered, before allowing Draco to fall back asleep on her chest and finding herself follow suit soon after.

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