Train Wreck (d.m.)

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this is written by favefandomimages

Summary: Draco didn't think he'd find something worth living for until he met you.

warnings: suicidal thoughts, death

His sixth year wasn't supposed to go like this. He was supposed to have a normal year with his friends and with you. But his father, and his whole family, had other plans for him.

Draco had to cancel your summer trip to Paris so he could get the dark mark branded on to his forearm. He told you it was because he had an aunt who was deathly ill and he had to visit her.

When you both got back to school, he was cold and distant towards you. Of course he blamed it on being stressed about school and his exams. But you knew him better than that.

You've been together since fourth year and you could read him like an open book.

One night he stood atop of the Astronomy Tower, overlooking the grounds of Hogwarts. He was given strict orders from the Dark Lord to kill his headmaster at one of his favorite spots. Your favorite spot.

As he looked at the grounds he thought of you. What would you say when you found out he was a Death Eater? Would you hate him? Break up with him? Would you have pity for him? Try to save him?

It was then he realized he was past the point of saving.

'If I just jump, Dumbledore won't die.' He thought. He thought that would ruin Voldemort's plan and everyone would be okay. The people he envied, Harry, Ron and Hermione, would have a fighting chance.

Once again, his mind went back to you. If he were to give up and do what he was thinking, what would become of you? Would you mourn for him? Miss him? Would you move on with someone who actually deserved you?

Draco had always thought it was matter of time before you left him for Fred Weasley. You were best friends after all and were practically attached at the hip. So he thought if he just jumped, that would give you the chance to be with a person who was better for you than he was.

But he couldn't leave you alone with the feeling it was your fault if he did it. Because Draco knew that's what you would think. You'd second guess yourself and think it was your fault. But nothing could ever be your fault.

Draco was knocked out of his worrisome thoughts by the sound of your voice. A voice that could make him feel like everything was okay.

"I thought I'd find you up here. I've been looking everywhere for you." You spoke, a smile on your face. Draco gave you a halfhearted version of a smile and you knew something was wrong.

"What's going on, Draco?" You asked. "You've been acting strange since term started. You don't eat, you barley sleep and you don't talk to me like you used to. Did I do something?" You added.

"No, no, love. It's not you. It could never be you. You're the only thing that feels right in my life. I have a lot going on." He quickly said, walking towards you and taking your hands in his.

It was then, when his sleeve pulled up a bit, you caught a glimpse of a black line on his forearm. He saw your face fall, void of any kind of expression. He followed your gaze and saw what you were looking at.

Draco quickly let go of your hands and tugged his sleeve down. "Let me see it." You spoke quietly. "Y/N," He started. "Let me see it." Your voice more stern.

He paused for a moment before rolling up his sleeve. You saw the dark mark on your boyfriend's arm and felt the wind get knocked out of you.

You faltered a bit, becoming a bit light headed at the thought of the person you loved most being a Death Eater. Draco reached out and steadied you and then your eyes met his.

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