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Story is written by: holden-caulfield

Summary: reader tries to bake but draco won't let her.Warnings: mentions of food and fluff (unusual, i know)Word Count: 539

Baking had always been a hobby of yours, both because of the results and the process. You loved mixing ingredients and watching how they turned into something new and incredibly more delicious than before.

Draco didn't see the excitement in cooking since had had never done it himself and he absolutely despised getting his hands dirty. You couldn't blame him really, but making a mess in the kitchen was always something that lightened up your mood, even if you had to clean it afterwards.

Sometimes you even managed to convince Draco to bake with you, but those times were very rare; he much preferred tasting rather than cooking.

Today, however, you didn't manage to. You started to select all the ingredients you would have needed to bake Draco's favourite cake and placed them on the counter. His eyes watched you from the couch in the living room, surveying your every motion.

You smiled at him and he reciprocated, sending you a small smirk before you turned your back to him to begin the actual preparation.

You heard shuffling beside you but didn't bother to turn around. Cold hands enveloped you from behind, resting on your stomach as your back made contact with his.

You continued your activity, smiling to yourself as his head snuggled in the crook of your neck. You felt him hold you closer to him, tightening the hug in which he had already closed you, and started laying gentle kisses on your collarbone and on your neck.

"What's got into you, dear?" you asked softly as you tried to reach the flour, but his body so close to you made it impossible to move anything but your arms.

He didn't answer, instead peppering even more kisses on your skin, almost igniting it.

"I can't bake with you like this, Draco." you continued, struggling to free yourself from his clutch, however comfortable.

You were an inch away from the bag you needed when he took your outstretched hands in his, entangling your fingers together and spinning you so you were now facing him.

You giggled uncontrollably at his silly attempts at keeping you from getting something done, but in his eyes there was no silliness; he was incredibly serious, so serious you were scared something happened.

"Is something-" he hugged you again, resting his chin on the top of your head, one hand cradling it while the other traced circles in the small of your back.

You pulled back a little, enough to allow you to grasp his face in your own hands to scrutinize his features, searching for any sign of hurt or sadness.

"Are you ok, Draco?" he simply looked at you, grey eyes filling with warmth and devotion directed to you only and his mouth curling up slightly to take in your worried face.

"Wonderful." he kissed your forehead in an effort to soothe you and then mimicked your previous motions, settling his hands on your own cheeks, stroking them oh so tenderly. "Just wonderful."

"I won't bake today, will i?" you asked playfully, gazing in his eyes with as much adoration as he displayed.

"No, no you won't, darling." he replied sincerely, earning himself a roll of your eyes and a so-longed kiss.


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