girl friend (draco malfoy x reader)

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written by: happyyyandcrazyyy on Tumblr

summary: dating draco malfoy was always within pansy's plan to ensure her future. there's only one problem; she underestimated just how intertwined (y/n) was on draco's life.

i. Prologue: a match made in hell.

Draco Malfoy and (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

Prince and Princess of Slytherin.

A match made by the devil, Weasley would mutter under his breath whenever he caught a glimpse of them walking through the corridors.

(It was rather much a match crafted by their parents, but same difference really.)

Families that belonged to the sacred twenty eight tended to stick together— with fake smiles and the desire to keep their bloodlines pure acting as the glue— so it was only reasonable that (Y/N) and Draco would grow up together. After all, in the words of (Y/N)'s mother, "keep your friends close and your possible suitors closer."

Crabbe, Goyle and Zabini had been present during Draco's childhood, but not as much as (Y/L/N) had. And, if he thought about it hard enough, he reckoned she might've been the only one he never looked down upon.

He'd learned from his father's example that everyone was beneath him. He treated everyone as such.

But it was different with (Y/N). Her father was a well known and highly respected wizard amongst the magic community, he occupied a higher position in the Ministry than Draco's father did. The (Y/L/N)'s were considered one of the oldest and purest families. She was raised to bow to no one, to keep her chin high. That annoyed Draco more than he could express in words, because how was a girl saying that she wasn't going to play Quidditch like hewanted, how could she possibly demand they rather play Magic Chess and why had she smirked when he threatened to tell his parents.

Spoiled rotten, with a superiority complex and the need of things to be just as they desired, (Y/N) and Draco had despised each other when they first met; they were too much alike. Also, the situation forced them to consider each other equals and neither of them was used to that (they didn't enjoy it either). Still, they soon realized that it was either getting along or sitting with their parents and listening to their boring conversations and so they'd eventually warmed up to one another (but not without a lot of hair yanking, scratches, breaking of brooms and tears).

(Y/N) had tolerated him (barely) through his insufferable and bratty 'my-father-will-know-about-this' phase. Draco had only rolled his eyes when she went through a period in which she would cry her eyes out if she didn't get what she wanted. And so, they reckoned if that hadn't brought them apart, they were now in it together for life.

Best friends, although they never used those words to describe each other, perhaps the only real friend the other one had (which was kind of miserable but whatever, when you're rich and part of the elite you don't need friends).

Everyone knew that wherever you found (Y/L/N), Malfoy was close by. They'd been joined by the hip ever since the beginning of their first year at Hogwarts. They were an odd couple; Malfoy was outwardly despicable in an arrogant type of way while (Y/L/N) came of as more unfriendly rather than vile. He was expressive and she remained unfazed most of the time. A spiteful force and a silent but calculating threat. A match made in hell, indeed.

Maybe they'd never drifted apart because of their parents, maybe it had something to do with the familiarity they felt around each other. After all there is comfort in what's already known. If people squinted hard enough, they could even say there was a kind of domesticity in the way they acted— one that tends to appear after years of knowing someone, once you've adapted their mannerisms and knew their quirks by heart.

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