Draco Malfoy Headcanons

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credit to : omg-imatotalmess on Tumblr 

Draco has a major, major sweet tooth. He likes to appear picky with sweets, but he isn't. If it's sweet, he wants it. 

When he was a child, Narcissa taught him to ballroom dance, and he's insanely good at it. And some of his favorite memories are of her teaching him.

 As a child, he followed Dobby around because he genuinely liked him. 

Speaks french so beautifully. He would never admit to being able to sing, but he has one of those old, crooner voices. 

Think like Bing Crosby. When he has a good belly laugh, he swings wildly between high pitched wheezing and loud, full dad laughter. 

And he hates it because it doesn't fit his more elegant image. 

He writes love letters to you because he believes in "old romance."

He gets nervous when it storms because when he was little, the manor used to seem scarier when it stormed. 

He felt too far away from his parents while the thunder echoed in the hallways and the lightning cast monster shadows. 

Gets meaner when he's feeling shy. Then he feels bad about being mean to you. But only you.

 He has a major superiority complex.

 He hates crying, so he just refuses to do it and bottles everything up. When it finally overflows, he completely breaks down and just wants to be held until he feels better. 

He only pretends to like black coffee because he thinks no one will take him seriously if his hot drink of choice is hot chocolate with whipped cream and cinnamon. 

Touch starved. The boy is so touch starved.

 He gets jealous so easily. Not because he doesn't trust you, but because he sees you as the sun, moon, and stars all wrapped up into one person, and he doesn't think he's good enough for someone like that. 

Hates to have his hair touched. If you were to reach over and gently stroke your fingers across his cheek, he would short circuit. 

He likes to be the little spoon.

 When you're sad, he says stupid things in his most serious voice because he figured out that it could make you laugh. Examples include: I'm baby, and various vine quotes even though he doesn't understand them. 

Muggle things confuse him to the point of anger. Has never set foot in a kitchen to cook in his entire life and never plans to.

 Says I love you nonverbally by buying you things and offering to hex people who were mean to you.

 He likes to pretend to be emotionless to garner respect and maybe fear but has so many emotions. 

He feels things so deeply.

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