Spare Time pt.1

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credit. to: holden-caulfield

Summary: Draco lets you play with his hair and decorate it with daisies.

Warnings: none, just fluff overload.

It was saturday and you and Draco had taken advantage of this to spend some time together. You were both sat under an old oak near the black lake: the sun was beaming but not enough to actually hurt your eyes. A light breeze tickled your face as you mindlessly stroked Draco's blond hair. You were sat against the large tree with Draco's head in your lap, his gaze focused on your hand, which he held tenderly in his own. He examined it thoroughly, running his fingers along each vein and little detail he found. His extremely focused expression brought a small smile to your lips but your attention was soon switched to a patch of daisies moving from side to side in the wind.

You eyed them curiously before stretching your hand out to pick one. The sudden movement made Draco look up and focus on you with a slightly concerned look on his face. However, it didn't last long because you placed the little flower behind his ear, smiling to yourself, and a tiny grin rose to his face.

"Am i pretty now?" he asked in a mocking tone, but still lovingly.

"Incredibly so. Dare i say handsome." you answered with the same tone while picking another daisy and twirling it in your fingers.

"Really? Are you sure?" Draco asked raising his brows.

"Positive." you replied before placing a light peck on his lips. You were about to pull away but one of his hands shot up to hold the back of your neck down, allowing him to give you another longer kiss.

"What are you waiting for, then? Keep going." he said as he eventually released you. You narrowed your eyes at him with a pleased smirk plastered on your face and placed the daisy you were holding between his locks. You repeated the action a couple more times, picking more flowers, and, once you were satisfied, you laid your head against the tree to look at your work.

The small white flowers matched his hair perfectly, almost disappearing if it hadn't been for the yellow of the flower heads that created great contrast with the overall white.

"Done?" he questioned.

"Done." you replied with a smug look. He stretched out his hand to cup your cheek and got up from your lap, joining both of your lips and making some of the daisies fall on the ground in the process.

"Thank you, love." at his words, you enveloped him in a hug and rested your head on his chest.

These were the moments that both you and Draco would have treasured forever: little snippets of time in which you thought about nothing besides the two of you, instants in which you could be yourselves and enjoy each other's company without the pressure of the outside world.


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