Thank you for loving him. (D.M)

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credit: champagneand-strawberries on tumblr

Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader

Summary: Draco knows that time is running out, but he refuses to spend these last precious moments without her. After all, it's her he's trying to protect.

Warnings: Implied smut. Angst. Mentions of death. Mentions of the dark mark. A couple of swear words I think.

Words: 2.2k + a lil 200 word bonus (idk how this happened it wasn't supposed to be this long)


Draco let himself fall forward, catching himself on his hands pressed into the pillow beside her head as he rested his forehead against hers. She opened her eyes staring up at his sweat soaked skin, reaching a hand up between them to wipe away the small droplets pooling on his temples under the hair she had just been tugging on to keep him right where she needed him.

At her touch, his eyes opened, looking into her own as he pulled away slightly. She pushed his hair back from his face and leant up to press a soft kiss to his lips. He couldn't help but smile into the kiss. "Back in a second," he mumbled against her lips "need to get you cleaned up." He used the bottom of his shirt to carefully wipe between her thighs, wincing as she flinched slightly, still sensitive from before.

Leaning forward again, he placed a kiss on her temple in a silent apology and then pulled away from her fully, shuffling off the bed and made his way into his private bathroom – one of the perks of being a school prefect. Dampening a clean cloth, he wiped his face down, cleaning it of sweat before doing the same to the parts of his chest he could reach under his black shirt, now creased and damp with a mixture of sweat and cum.

As he was running another clean cloth under the hot tap, he felt two arms wrap around his waist and a pair of lips press to his shoulder blade. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and saw her peeking out from next to his arm, rubbing her thumb across his ribs as she looked at him in the mirror.

"Hi" A soft smile pulled its way across her lips as his eyes looked over her messy hair. He smiled back at her, running his fingers through her hair as he turned in her arms. He left the cloth in the sink and tugged on her wrists lightly to let go of him, turning them so her back was against the counter. He bent down slightly, his hands on the back of her thighs as he lifted her to sit on the counter while her hands instinctively went to his shoulders to keep herself balanced.

"You okay?" His voice was low and soft, times like this were the only times she ever heard this side of it. The times when he felt safe and content. The times where his only concern was her. The times when he felt happy.

"I'm sorry if I was a bit-"

"It was amazing Draco," she cut him off. "Even if I'm not quite sure where it came from."

While the pair had been together long enough to have been intimate more times than they cared to count, it had never felt like that. It had never felt that... Intimate.

Every touch felt like hot fire, every deep, slow thrust made her eyes roll back into her head and every sound that tumbled from his lips sounded like heaven. Everything about it said the three words they had yet to say to each other.

Draco picked up the cloth from in the sink as she was speaking, wringing out the excess water and started to wipe the inside of her thighs. He pulled her forward slightly to wipe away the sticky cum from between the apex of her thighs and then threw the cloth in the laundry basket next to the sink.

She looked at him, looking to see if his eyes would give away anything that was going on in his head. But if there was anything she had learnt about Draco in her time with him, it was that he very rarely gave anything away. Her fingers started to play with his hair, scratching his scalp lightly as she ducked her head to press a kiss to his lips.

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