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credit to toriwakes on tumblr 

summary: you buy draco a stuffed animal to lift his spirits.

content warnings: it curses once. fluff, sad!draco

draco was sad. in your relationship you made it a must to take mental health days, and that's what he was doing right now. he was curled up in his bed, sulking. he couldn't pin a real reason, he was just genuinely upset. so, as the amazing partner you are, you set out to hogsmade to get him gifts. you picked up some of his favorite sweets and some comfy lounge clothes he'd like to change into when you got back. not to mention you kept taking all his jumpers. you were about to head back to the castle before you stopped- a new shop was at the end of the road. a toy shop. you shrugged and went in, it's not like you had anything to loose. it smelled like a bakery and the room was filled with warm tones. your jaw dropped at it's beauty yet simplicity; you and draco had to come here by yourselves once his spirits were up. you browsed around a bit before your eye caught a stuffed bunny. the sign read that it was enchanted to smell of whatever the buyer desired. you knew draco wasn't going to emojis any of the other complicated gifts- so you picked up the toy and made your way to the register. "just the rabbit?" the woman eyed it. "yup." you responded, pulling out the money. "not too many people buy this, you know. they think it's too boring." she didn't mean it in a rude way, just to share the information. "well they're missing out. do you think you could make it smell like vanilla and flowers?"

you entered his dorm quietly. he was facing the door so you were able to see his eyes glimmer when he saw you. "hi hun." you said softly. "hi." it was quiet, but it was heartwarming. the rustles of the bags alerted him. "what are those?" he asked. you smiled at the mention of them. "i did some shopping." you gently kissed his head, watching carefully for his response. he was smiling. "i got you some sweets.." you held up the honeydukes bag. he watched you intently as you showed all the items you bought and talked about why they reminded you of him. "..and this. this was sort of a random buy, i understand if you don't like it." this caught his attention. you handed him the bunny. at first he found it amusing; it was childish. but when he held it close to his face, he realized something. this bunny smelled exactly like you. you laughed at how he repeatedly held its head to his nose, making sure he was smelling it right. "this smells like you." he finally said. no shit. "it's enchanted to smell like whatever you ask. i asked for it to smell like me, for when you're sad like you are now." dracos heart was melting with every word you spoke. he could feel his happiness returning, he just needed one final push. "i adore this. it's wonderful." you gave him a cheeky smile and clapped. "i'm so glad! think you're ready to shower and change?" you held up the lounge set you bought him. "only if you join."

you dressed your boyfriend, showering his body with kisses and reminding him how beautiful he is. he passed you one of his jumpers and a spare pair of joggers. "told you you'd look good." you complimented him as you slipped under the covers with him. he hummed as he scooted closer to you- noses touching. "you're the best thing that's every happened to me." he whispered. god, you could cry. with a choked-up throat and misty eyes, you nodded. "i love you so much. i'm so proud of you." your hand met the back of his head, fingers entangling themselves with his silver stands. you were going to fall asleep like that- foreheads touching and bodies close, until he let out a small gasp and shuffled a bit. "accio teddy!"

"is that what you named it? teddy?"

"yeah. i thought bunny was too unoriginal."

you were head over heels.

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