Honey Honey

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credit. to: holden-caulfield

Summary: inspired by the song  by ABBA.

Warnings: a little angst, but it ends with fluff. Very cliché too, sorry.

Your relationship with Draco was a secret since both of you didn't feel ready to make it public yet. He feared that his reputation as a heartless slytherin would have suffered from it and you were afraid that your friends wouldn't have accepted it, your friends being all gryffindors and profoundly hating Draco Malfoy.

Despite the secrecy of your relationship, you loved each other more than anything: you would spend every minute of free time together and you often sneaked out of you dorm to meet Draco in his. Your friends, especially Hermione, were getting suspicious, they didn't understand why you felt the need to hide something from them. Sometimes, when the pressure was too much, you would write in your secret diary about it, since it was the only one you could share your secrets with, besides Draco.

You made sure to hide it everytime because if anyone found out what you wrote in there, your relationship wouldn't have been a secret any longer. But when you sneaked out once again to meet with Draco, Hermione rummaged through your things, hoping to find the reason why you were being so secretive, and she found it: your diary. However, she couldn't find the strength to read it, it wouldn't have been right and Hermione knew it. Instead, she left it where she found it and went back to sleep.

The next day, in the common room she spoke with the others about what she found.

"The only thing I found was her diary and we won't read it."

"But, if we read it, maybe-"

"No, Ronald. It's wrong and we won't do it." Ron tried to reason with Hermione, but she had already made up her mind. Ron only nodded.

"Are you sure? What if she's going through a very rough time and reading her diary was the only way to help her?" Fred interjected, laying his hand on one of Hermione's shoulder. Hermione crossed her arms in front of herself, not ready to give up her morals.

"Yeah, imagine if reading her diary was the only way to save her from a terrible future." George continued, placing his hand on Hermione's other shoulder. The twins both looked the girl in the eyes, pleading, but she wouldn't give up.

"I already told you, it's wrong. She will tell us when she's ready!"

"But you know how she is!" said George, urgingly.

"She never wants to show her weaknesses, she won't tell us until it will be too late..." Fred lowered his eyes, feigning sadness.

"They're right..." added Harry, earning a disgruntled look from Hermione.

"I mean, it's obviously wrong, but what if we could really help her this way?" Ron continued.

"I guess that if it's really serious, we should have a look... only to confirm our worries, that is." Her curiosity got the best of her and as she ran to the girls' dorm, the twins exchanged a mischievous smile.

Hermione came back with the diary in her hands, now increasingly unsure about the decision.

"I've changed my mind. We should talk to her about-" but she couldn't even finish her sentence that the twins had snatched the diary from her hands and started reading the last pages you wrote.

Hermione tried to catch it but they were too tall, so she picked her wand from her pocket and raised it at them.

"Give it back!"

"Believe me, you want to know what's written in here!" a glint of curiosity made Hermione slightly lower her wand and in that moment you entered the common room. Everyone froze when they saw you and when your eyes landed on the diary, the twins run out of the room, almost knocking you down in their way.

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