Changing Rooms

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credit to drac-ho on Tumblr

Request: hello there! I'd like to request a fun, little make out session with Draco only minutes before his Quidditch match! The team captain notices that Draco is missing and sends poor Blaise to go after him and awkwardly separate the lovey couple!

As you stood there, in the Y/H stands, everyone was tense. It was the first match of the season where Slytherin and Gryffindor would play against each other. There was still a good twenty minutes until the players were due to come out, but everyone was in full defence mode over the house they wanted to win the match. You, being somewhat friends with the golden trio had to make out you wanted Gryffindor to win, but they knew your relationship with Draco suggested otherwise.

You looked down at your watch - you were growing impatient. You couldn't wait to see your blonde locked boy; Draco had been so pent up with Quidditch practice that he'd barely had time for you for the past two weeks. You had been so sexually frustrated - your friends had noticed a change when you snapped at them for asking simple questions. He had barely touched you for two whole weeks - dating Draco, that was a long time not to have any kind of sex.

Smirking, you had an idea. You excused yourself from your friends, biting your lip as you quickly ran down the stairs of the stand and headed for the changing rooms. A good-luck kiss wouldn't be too much to ask for, would it? Besides, he always begged you to come wish him good luck before a match but you never did; the smell of sweaty boys nearly made you puke every time you thought about it - but your sex drive was begging you to at least go say hi.

You stopped outside the door, knocking gently before walking in. There he was - he was just pulling his green jersey over his shoulders as you walked in, making him jump. "There you are," You mumbled, sauntering over to him when you clocked that everyone else had already left. "Just come to say good luck." You let him finish adjusting his shirt before wrapping your arms around his neck. "I've missed you," Draco begins, a smirk tugging at his lips. "You know, my right hand just doesn't cut it." You burst out laughing, hitting his chest. "I've missed you too, Draco." He leans down to peck your lips. "Nervous?" You ask. He shakes his head, raising his hand to push a strand of hair behind your ear. "Surprisingly, no. Potter seems to have a lot on his mind this year. Hasn't quite been all there since Diggory's death." You frown. You knew Harry was struggling, and you usually tended to stay out of the way of Draco and Harry's on pitch feuds.

"Well, I'll give you a good luck kiss anyway. For good measure." You chuckled, leaning up to let your lips softly combine with his. The kiss was soft, innocent - before Draco's hands slid down to your butt and his tongue swiped your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You deepened the kiss, and he gave a squeeze of your arse, making you moan slightly. Draco smirked into the kiss; he knew you were horny, so he was definitely going to tease you. You, too, released your arms from around his neck, slowly sliding them down his torso to the hem of his jersey. You slowly ran your hands up over his quidditch trousers and onto his abdomen. Your hands rested there, and you felt him shiver beneath you - you weren't too sure whether it was from your cold hands or if he was getting turned on too. Either way, he moaned slightly into the kiss. "God, I've missed you." Draco whispers, letting his lips slide down past your ear to suck sweetly on your neck, releasing a gasp from your throat. Time seemed to be melting away, seconds dissolving to minutes as the two of you kissed each other.

"Where's Draco?" Graham Montague asks, scratching his head. The match was meant to be starting now, and Madam Hooch was starting to get worried. The Gryffindor team were smiling, taunting the Slytherins who were starting to get frustrated with their seeker's absence.

"I'll go check for him." Blaise announces, heading off for the changing rooms as Madam Hooch checks her watch for the third time. He nears the door of the room, pausing for a second when he hears some giggling coming from inside. "What the fuck?" He whispers, shooting an odd look towards the rest of the team. They motion for him to go inside, so he followed suit and trudged inside. "Draco?" He calls out. No reply. He turns the corner to the main area, feeling his cheeks catch alight when he sees Y/N and Draco making out. Suddenly, he wishes that someone else could've plucked up the courage to come looking for him.

Blaise coughs, causing the two of you two jump apart, your bra on display. You pull your shirt down, watching as Draco adjusts his trousers, shifting his dick to avoid Blaise from noticing his hard-on. "Uh - the match is starting now, Draco." Blaise awkwardly mutters, nodding in the direction of the pitch. Your cheeks were flushed - you couldn't believe Blaise had caught the two of you - you were sure that you could never live this down; everyone will find out and Draco's friends would comment on it every time you saw them. "Shit, I didn't realise that it was that time already.' Draco utters out, grabbing his broomstick and walking over to you to give you a quick peck.

"Don't you think you've had enough kissing for now?" Blaise asks, grabbing Draco's arm, pulling him with him. "Good luck!" You manage to shout after him, catching a quick "Love you!" in reply before hearing the crowd erupt with cheers when the seeker finally comes into view. The band start playing and you decide it's time to make your way back towards your friends to avoid too much gossip - everyone knew you were Draco's girlfriend, if no one could spot you, it wouldn't be too hard to guess why Draco took so long. You wipe your lips as you walk back up the stands, trying to fix your smudged lip gloss.

The game had already started by the time you've sat back down. "I don't suppose you had anything to do with the delayed start, Y/N?" Y/F/N asks, smirking. You smile to yourself, knowing that you entirely had something to do with it - in fact, the seeker had his hands down your shirt when the match was meant to start. "Of course not." At that moment, Draco flies past, shooting you a wink, smirking. "Sure." Y/F/N chuckles, you tell her what the two of you were up to, and she gasps. "Well, looks like it worked - Draco seems to be on fire!" You smile to yourself. God, you were lucky.

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