Sweater ↠ Draco Malfoy

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this is written by : sultrypotter on Tumblr

Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Fem!Reader

Summary: Y/N and Draco have been best friends ever since their first year. She's been harboring feelings for him ever since their 3rd year. But when a girl comes to Hogwarts taking Dracos attention, Y/N thinks back to when he gave her his sweaterRequest: Hi cod you please write a Draco x reader based off of the song heather by Cohan Gray where Draco and the reader are close and a new girl comes along who she thinks is a lot prettier than her? Maybe a lot of angst with some fluff at the end.Requested by: Anonymous Warnings: Angst, fluff, swearing AN: Heather by Conan Gray

Y/N hated her potions class. Snape was a very hard teacher to get good grades. But one thing about thing about the class was good.

Draco Malfoy.

Also known as her best friend and her crush for years. She met the Malfoy boy in their 1st year when they were both sorted into Slytherin.

Y/N was so happy she met him. Draco helped her with everything. Schoolwork, social life and even her family life. Though Y/N helped with his home life since Draco didn't have the most stable family.

When Y/N began liking him she tried to make it more obvious so Draco would know she liked him. But Draco was an oblivious to all of her soft touches on his arm, kisses to his cheek and Y/N even flirting with him.

Y/N thought he would catch on and either admit his feelings or tell her to back off.

But nothing.

Draco didn't notice any of Y/N's tactics. It angered her and saddened since she felt like she loved him. Romantically and platonically.

So Y/N stopped after a couple of weeks not wanting to give their friendship up because of her feelings. But that didn't stop the feelings she had for him.

Y/N ignored the butterflies in her stomach when she was around him and just went on normally.

But there was this one time where Y/N thought he felt the same about her.

It was a cold and chilly night on the astronomy towers were Y/N and Draco sat on one of the benches.

The two were talking about their days and just sitting comfortably in the silence.

"God I hated potions today," Y/N grumbled wrapping her arms around herself trying to get warmer.

"You hate potions everyday," Draco scoffs while smiling.

"Yeah but more so today," Y/N corrected herself turning to face the Malfoy boy. "How can you stand Snape," She asks curiosity running through her eyes.

Y/N picked around the skin around the nails. It was a nervous habit she had.

"Just doesn't bother me as much as my father does," Draco stared and Y/N looked at him with sympathy in her eyes.

Y/N put her hand on his to comfort him. Draco cringed noticing how cold she was.

"Merlins your freezing Y/N," Draco could hear her shivering.

"It's fine it's just a chilly night," Y/N smiled squeezing his hand. Draco took his hand off hers and took his sweater off.

"Lift your arms," Draco instructed which made Y/N look at him confused. "Just do it," Draco said annoyed. Y/N rolled her eyes lifting her arms as he put the sweater on her.

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