i'll always mean it | draco malfoy

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credit: Malfoysmatrioshka on Tumblr

draco malfoy x fem!reader (slytherin)

warnings: none. this is nothing but teeth-rotting fluff :)

word count: 2.7k

summary: draco and reader have always known that the only people they belonged with were each other

a/n: had this idea for ages and finally put it down ! not gonna lie i actually really like this :) although it did just call me alone in 27 different languages lmao


Nobody understood why and how the two of them were together. Sure, they had known each other for longer than anyone else had at school. And yes, maybe they had been the closest of friends for all of their lives. But no two people were more different from each other than Draco Malfoy and Y/N Y/L/N.

Their parents had been friends long before either of the two kids had even been planned, both pairs attending Hogwarts around the same time and being pureblood Slytherins. It made sense for them to keep in touch far past their days at school and to, eventually, make sure that their children would be close as well.

The first time they met each other was when they were both still in diapers, barely able to sit up straight let alone walk. But even back then, a connection had been formed when they lay together in Draco's crib at Malfoy Manor, their chubby little pinkies intertwined. Their mothers cooed that day, dreaming about a beautiful wedding a good few years down the road, with their beautiful babies standing together at an altar and vowing to love each other for all of eternity. It was nothing but wishful thinking, or so they thought. Not even they could imagine that their children's lives would end up being intertwined for as long as they both lived.

Even before they had went to Hogwarts they had been each others best friends, spending weeks on end during the summer playing games and reading books, being the carefree children they were allowed to be until school started. So, really, it shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone when their bond only intensified once they were locked up in the closest proximity possible for months at a time.

People still wondered, though. Especially their peers. How was it possible that someone as compassionate and caring, as sweet and kind as Y/N considered someone as obnoxious and rude, as snotty and tactless as Draco her best friend? And how was it possible that someone who ruled the school by making everyone at school afraid of him considered someone who made sure that no one felt out of place and unloved the person closest to him in the whole wide world?

It didn't make any sense, not even to the teachers. All of them had a soft spot for Y/N, even Snape who wouldn't be caught dead admitting it, whereas when it came to Draco, they had to bite their lips so as to not let something highly unprofessional slip their mouths.

The two kids didn't care though. Sure there were days when she would snap at him for making fun of a poor Hufflepuff first year simply because he was wearing glasses, and maybe sometimes he would hiss at her through gritted teeth that she really ought to keep her distance from imbeciles like Neville Longbottom, considering that she had a reputation to uphold.

Like in most senses, they were different in that one, too. While Draco cared about his reputation in an almost obsessive way, Y/N knew that it didn't matter. This was school, and school was meant for learning and making friends, not showing everyone how much better you were than them. She didn't blame him for it, though, knowing that while the Malfoy's were nothing but lovely to her, the tone with which they spoke to Draco (especially his father) was not even close to being the same. Of course she thought that he could be kinder to people, or at least not treat them as bloody horrible as he tended to, but she made sure to make up for any harsh word said by him with a warm smile and even a hug, if necessary.

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