when did you fall out of love?

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this is written by: slutfordracoluciousmalfoy

summary: Astoria watches as Draco falls in love with the reader over the years at hogwarts and no voldy. fluff, angst, and a little heated scene, tbh it just depends on who's pov your reading from.

word count- 3.4k

-5th year

There you were the new transfer student from Ilvermorny in fifth year, you were absolutely stunning. Your hair frames your face perfectly as you walk up to the sorting hat to get sorted. Everyone was on the edge of their seats eager to find out which house you would be going into.

No one could take their eyes off you, you were a sight for sore eyes. The way you carried yourself with such confidence and grace in each step you took gravitated everyone's attention to you. You could feel the stares of everyone, especially one boy with pale skin and platinum blonde hair. Looking up you shot him a warm smile which he returned. Astoria quickly caught onto this interaction, Draco had never smiled like that at her before so why would he to the new girl? She shook off this odd feeling as she heard the sorting hat shout out 'Slytherin!'. The whole table roared in pride at their new addition, Y/n L/n.

"Hi, there" you heard someone say as you walked to the table.

"Hi, what's your name?"

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

And that's how you and Draco become best friends, some would think even closer, but there was no way, because Draco was with Astoria Greengrass.

"Draco stop!" you laughed out as your body thrashed around because Draco was tickling you on the common room couch.

"What was that? Keep going, okay." he said like an amused child as he tickled you even more, the laughter of the both of you mixed like a melody bouncing off the walls of the Slytherin common room.

People thought they would never see the day where Draco Malfoy was so happy, until you arrived. You made him the happiest he ever had been and he couldn't deny it. Astoria walked into the common room and halted herself seeing the two of you laughing like there was no tomorrow, her heart clenched knowing that she couldn't make him this happy. The both of you were so content with each other, you didn't even notice she was there and neither did Draco. She cleared her throat making you and Draco stop, you both put your arms towards yourself. The awkward silence and tension was killing you, so you stood up wiping off 'dust' from your skirt, and looking at your wrist you said, "Well, would you look at the time. I've got to go,". You quickly rushed out of the forest green decorated room to your shared dorm with Pansy Parkinson.

"What was that?" Astoria questioned Draco as he looked at everything but her.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about, love. You and Y/n." she breathed out, she never wanted to talk about you in this way, you were a sweet and kind girl. She didn't want you to have something against her and especially not have Draco against her. Draco didn't like to talk about the friendship you both held, in fact he quite liked not talking about it to Astoria. 'Cause he always knew that Astoria would question him about it.

"So, what about me and Y/n?"

"The both of you are always so touchy, you never hold me like you do her, hell you don't even hold my hand anymore!" She yelled in frustration she had been trying to keep these feelings inside, but every time she saw Draco her heart clenched and she felt like she wasn't good enough for Draco. She saw the way that he looked at you, like how he used to look at her.

"Fine! Do you want me to hold your hand, hold you, or touch you!"

"Yes! That's all I ever wanted from you, to love me!"

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