happy late birthday

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credit to ch0kemedracomalfoy on Tumblr

word count: 3k

warnings: tw // none | cw // fluff, cursing, a tad bit of angst but not really

summary: Draco forgets your birthday and feels like an ahole the next day when he realizes

shining rays of sun awoke you in your dorm. sitting up, you groggily rubbed your eyes and yawned sleepily but as realization dawned upon you immediately felt a lot more awake so you jumped out of your bed, the cool floorboards a drastic contrast to your warm feet. it was the day of your birthday.

after putting some makeup on and dressing up, you quickly made your way down to the common room to meet your boyfriend, feeling especially cheerful.

you smiled as soon as you spotted Draco's blond hair, seeing him sitting on one of the leather couches. you made a beeline for him, and leaned down, draping your arms around his neck from behind and kissing his cheek, which seemed to startle the boy but a smile was quick to make its way onto his face as soon as he realized it was his lovely girlfriend.

Draco stood up and stepped behind the couch and in front of you, snaking his arms around your waist and hugging you tightly. "good morning, baby," he mumbled into your hair. pulling back and observing your features, "what's got you in such a good mood?" he asked, smiling.

"hmm, nothing in particular. it's just a lovely day, isn't it?" you replied with a mischievous grin, playing along. Draco just looked at you for a couple of seconds lovingly then captured your lips with his, making you sigh into his mouth.

"it truly is. let's get going, shall we?" he asked, grabbing his bag from the floor next to the couch and already making his way to the exit of the common room.

that was strange. you thought. surely he didn't forget your birthday. Draco is just a private person and there were so many people in the common room, he's probably just planning on you when you two are alone. yeah, that's probably it.

all of your friends have already wished you a happy birthday while you guys were getting ready, so they didn't say anything besides greeting the pair of you as you sat down beside them in the Great Hall and began your breakfast. nothing seemed out of order.

after you finished you walked to your first lesson, hand in hand with Draco as you chatted mindlessly. suddenly the boy stopped, making you turn back to face him as you felt the tug on your arm. he looked at you for a second, seemingly deep in thought before he asked, "love, what day is it?"

this is it.

"oh, it's Wednesday," you beamed, looking up at him, and tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.

Draco dramatically slapped his forehead, laughing breathily, "merlin, how could i forget,"

"forget what?" you asked still smiling, looking up at him expectantly with wide eyes.

"it's Wednesday," he repeated. "my first lesson is divination, not potions,"

"oh," your smile faltered, but you still did your best to mask up your disappointment.

"i have to get going love, i don't want to get myself into another detention for being late again. i'll catch you later, all right?" Draco asked, but didn't even wait for your response as he kissed you swiftly before turning back and hurriedly going the opposite way.

at this point you started to get a little confused but brushed it off, it was still early in the morning, he still had plenty of occasions to wish you a happy birthday. perhaps he was planning something for later. exactly. it's probably just a prank, and he's going to surprise you later on the day.

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