The secret garden

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This is written by: @electricloceanon here and Tumblr

Draco Malfoy x fem!hufflepuff!reader

Summary: you and draco spend your summer holiday at your secret place.

Warnings: a little angst(?), mentions of death eaters, darkmarks, and voldy

Year 3

"Where're you going?"

You jump, muttering inappropriate words. You turn, facing Draco, "you almost gave me a heart attack."

Draco quirked one of his brows, "where are you going? You were supposed to be my guide here."

"A guide? You're not going to lose your way. Your mansion is way bigger than mine, you know that." You frowned, remembering that one time at year 1 you cried because you lost your way back into the dining room after going to the toilet.

He snorts, "Yeah, I remember you being a crybaby about it."

"Oh, sod off, Malfoy." You glared at him, turning and continuing your walk.

You were aware of Malfoy following you. Your mind searching for ways to get rid of him, so you can go into your secret place. You consider walking around the house, entering random rooms, hoping he got bored and left.

But he didn't leave. Even when you walk into the attic.

"Why are you following me?" You ask, glaring at him.

He shrugs, "I'd rather follow you walk around the mansion mindlessly than to listen to our parents."

You scowled at him.

"But seriously, where are you going?"

"You're not gonna give me a peaceful me time, do you?"

He smirks, "why me time when you have a company?"

You sigh tiredly. "Fine. Come with me. But you can't tell anyone about it."

His expression turns into a curious one, "tell anyone about what?"

"Just follow me."

The two of you went to the back garden. It was neat and beautiful, your mother's favorite place. But that wasn't your destination.

You walk into a corner, where the wooden fence is hidden by a large bush.


You shush at him, putting a finger on your own lips. "I need you to enter the bush."

Draco looks at you as if you're crazy, "what for? Is this your way to get rid of me?"

"Just enter it." You say impatiently. "The wooden fence behind the bush is broken. There's like a passage behind."

Draco gave you a glare, "if what's behind this dirtying my clothes, I will kill you, l/n."

You only shook your head, a small smile creeping to your face.

He walks right into it, muttering something about the leaves poking his legs, and giving itches.

You let out a small laugh, looking behind you, making sure no one following you. Then you walk into the bush too.

"What in Merlin's beard is this place?" Draco asks you. His eyes focusing on the surroundings around you. He looks surprised.

You pat your summer dress, grinning proudly, "a secret garden."

"Like in that Muggle kids literature?"

It was your turn to be surprised, "you've read The Secret Garden?" No way. Pureblood Draco Malfoy who hates muggle-borns with passion, read muggle fiction.

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