prohibited love || d.m.

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credit to fireboltweasley on Tumblr

summary: you're a pure blood slytherin, but your family are the complete opposite of the malfoys. there's only one problem: you & draco have fallen in love.

"i heard there's a cell in azkaban with your name on it." the all too familiar voice caused the butterflies in your stomach to flutter. as you glanced up to meet the owner of the voice, you mentally cursed him for looking so god-like in that black suit.

three words: draco lucius malfoy.

he was the epitome of your typical pure blood slytherin: firm believer that pure bloods were superior over half bloods and muggle born wizards and witches.

sure, you were a pure blood slytherin witch, but you had been raised by parents who taught you that blood purity was nothing more than an excuse to feed into someone's ego.

unlike the malfoys, your parents joined the order during the first wizarding war, fighting against the death eaters and voldemort. this obviously meant that your house mates had something to use against you, calling you a "blood traitor" everyday without fail.

when you had first been sorted into slytherin, the only three people who didn't care about your last name were adrian pucey, terence higgs, and blaise zabini.

terence was your cousin, so naturally, he was told to keep an eye out for you when you were off to hogwarts. despite being three years older than you, he still looked out for you whenever moving from one class to another.

he was like your older brother, seeing as you were an only child. during meal times in the great hall, he would often invite you to sit with him, which was how you were introduced to adrian.

being on the quidditch team with your cousin, adrian spent a lot of time with terence, and eventually asked him who you were. when you first sat with terence, he had given you a soft smile and introduced himself.

"terence's told me a lot about you," he said kindly, making you raise your eyebrows at your cousin, who only pretended that he had no idea what adrian was talking about, merely taking a sip of pumpkin juice from his goblet.

tearing your gaze away from terence, you said, "only good things, i hope?"

a smile appeared on adrian's face, and he said, "oh, only the best."

you had noticed blaise a couple of times, being in the same year and house as him. however, you didn't talk to him until one friday evening. both of you shared all the same classes, and you were a bit confused with the essay professor mcgonagall had set.

seeing blaise sitting by himself in the common room, you went up to him and shyly asked for help, silently waiting for him to just scoff and insult you. to say you were surprised when he willingly offered you help would be an understatement.

since adrian and terence were older than you, you and blaise became two peas in a pod. terence would be graduating in your fourth year, leaving you, blaise, and adrian. 

outside of your own house, you had formed a solid friendship with cedric diggory, luna lovegood, and the weasley twins. it was an odd friendship group, but you loved it nonetheless.

being friends with the ginger twins also meant that you were introduced to the golden trio, who welcomed you with open arms when you told them that your parents fought with the order.

ever since, you found yourself surrounded by the three gryffindors whenever you weren't hanging around with blaise. unfortunately, this also meant that you had your fair share of run ins with none other than draco malfoy.

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