are you with me || d.m.

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credit to fireboltweasley on Tumblr 

summary: draco shows you his dark mark

"you three go on, i want to check something." giving each other wary glances, you, blaise, and pansy grabbed your things, before leaving the train. giving draco one last look, you sighed and stepped off the train, following your friends.

ever since you had met draco on the platform, he had been acting strange. it had first started with his unusually short letters that he'd send over the summer, but you brushed it off, thinking he was merely upset over the news of his father.

but when draco gave you a quick peck on the cheek and hurried onto the train, you knew that something was wrong. he would normally pull you in for a hug, before holding your hand in his, not forgetting to press a sweet kiss onto your lips.

during the train ride to hogwarts, it seemed like he was on edge; as if he was waiting for someone to jump out and scare him. it didn't help your worrying when he mentioned pitching himself off the astronomy tower, rather than spending another year at school.

"honestly, what's gotten into him," pansy asked, glancing at him from outside the train. your eyes followed hers, and you saw your boyfriend grab his case, before heading to the door.

shaking his head, blaise said, "haven't got the slightest clue. c'mon, let's go before we're late." just as blaise and pansy turned around, the blinds to the windows of the train had flew down, blocking your view of the compartment draco was last in.

frowning, you wondered what could possibly be going on with him, before you followed blaise and pansy up the hill.

"perhaps he's still upset about what happened to his father. i mean, i would be too." shaking your head at pansy's words, you sighed, watching as your breath condensed in the cool air.

"no, i don't think so. in his last letter, he said he was over it. mentioned something about being more heavily involved with family business." you knew that draco had a rocky relationship with his father, and was almost terrified to have to go back home every holiday. besides, draco had mentioned in one of his letters that he was slightly relieved that his father wasn't at home to hurl insults at him.

pansy looked at blaise, waiting for the boy to throw in a suggestion for draco's strange behaviour, but he simply shrugged his shoulders. "i don't know, he didn't write me all summer. i thought it was a bit odd, but my mum told me to give him some space."

turning back to you, pansy gave you a sympathetic smile. "looks like you're the only person from school he talked to."


your eyes watched as draco walked over the the slytherin table, before taking a seat beside you.

while he slipped his hand into yours and gave you a peck on your cheek as he usually would, you couldn't help but notice how glazed his eyes looked. it was almost as if he had disassociated his mind from his body, relying on muscle memory as an attempt to try and throw you off from suspecting anything.

if that was the case, draco's plan had one flaw in it: you knew him, arguably better than he knew himself. every slight change in his demeanour, you would notice, sometimes before even draco himself noticed it.

you would notice how he would fiddle with the ring on his finger whenever deep in thought, twisting it clockwise and then anticlockwise. you noticed how his jaw would clench whenever he was frustrated, his gaze cold enough to send chills down anyone's spine.

squeezing his hand in comfort, you gave him a small smile, before returning to the conversation you and blaise were having prior to your boyfriend's entrance. after around five minutes after draco had came in, you watched as harry potter walked in, with blood just below his nose.

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