over the years

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credit to ch0kemedracomalfoy on Tumblr

word count: 3,4k

warnings: tw // none | cw // fluff, a smidge of angst (as requested😼), like one swear word ?

summary: Narcissa watches as y/n and Draco's relationship develops over the years.

Narcissa has always loved her only son more than anything, there was no doubt about that. ever since Draco was born she's tried to give him everything he needed and wanted to protect him from everything the gloomy, dark reality had to offer. she wanted to know her son was safe and well tended-to so she was at his side whenever she could be.

therefore when the boy turned eleven, the knowledge of having to send him to school caused quite a bit of distraught to Narcissa. at first, her husband, Lucius wanted to send their son to study the art of magic in Bulgaria, "because the school's prejudiced attitude towards muggle-borns coupled with its sympathetic attitude towards the Dark Arts would do nothing but good for him," -according to Lucius, but Narcissa simply would not hear of it, she could not stand the idea of her precious boy going to school that far away from home.

so they settled for the idea of sending Draco to Hogwarts but still, Narcissa couldn't help but feel worried for her son. she knew it wouldn't be so hard for the boy to find friends, thanks to his reputation, but that was the same thing that worried her; she didn't want him to associate himself with the wrong sort. Narcissa still wanted to make sure her child was in good hands so she made sure to owl him every single week, to know how he's doing, and counted the days until the boy would return home for christmas break.

which fortunately for Narcissa came quite soon, much to her surprise, Draco had insisted on bringing one of his new-sprung friends home for the holiday, and she welcomed the idea happily, at least she hoped it would bring her peace to know what little boy her son's spending his time with.

much to her surprise, when they finally arrived home she realized that Draco's buddy was pretty far away from a loud, chatty boy she's imagined, instead, she found herself facing a shy, sweet little girl when she greeted them.

"y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you, ma'am," you offered your hand and a nervous smile after Draco introduced you to his mother. she immediately took a liking to you, your self-resolved, almost timid personality seemed to reel her in, and the way Draco would excitedly pull you inside to show you around after he got bored of the formalities reassured her that she had nothing to worry about regarding her son's choice of friends.

that year she watched as the two of you roamed around the manor every day, looking for new games to play, while your giddy blabberings and giggles echoed through the halls. Narcissa felt happy for her son, she's never seen him so engaged in anything before, and she seemed to recognize Draco's rare true smiles more and more often as she watched his face light up every time you told a story or even just simply talked. although she could sense your friendship was in an early stage she knew that it would be one to last long.


the fact that two years later, in your third year Draco still requested for you to join them for christmas only reassured her in that. by that time Narcissa would know everything about you since when Draco would send her an owl or after he would come home for summer he would not stop rambling about you, and all the stuff you two have done together in your time at Hogwarts. he told her how good of a friend you were and how many interests you two shared which only seemed to strengthen your bond.

this year Narcissa noticed how you got a lot taller, how your features and curves appeared to be more defined, and how your hair became longer and shinier. she also saw how Draco took notice of that too. he would treat you much more like a lady rather than a buddy, Narcissa noticed how her son would hold doors for you, how he would pull out your chair for you before you could reach for it, how he would use the manners she taught him more and more often.

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