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this is written by babyDraco04   babydraco04 on Tumblr

Requested: Yes Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!fem!reader Warnings: swearing and major cockblocking, I feel like it's quite fluffy but if there's anything you think I should add let me know <3 Summary: Y/N and Draco have been desperately trying to relieve the tension between them both but someone always has to get in the way.

WORDS : 1955

Fred Weasley is your best friend.

Fred Weasley is, also, a massive piece of shit.

Not that you don't love him because of course you do, he is your best friend after all. 

Buuuut, that doesn't mean he's without his flaws. For example, he's got a disgusting habit of getting in the way of your romantic endeavors, especially when they involve Draco Malfoy. And it's not even because Fred's into you, because he's definitely not, but it gives him an odd sense of pleasure to watch your jaw clench when he interrupts one of you and Draco's 'moments', as he likes to call them. It's his hobby.

"Y/N..." Fred whines as he tugs on your right arm.


"Please?" He pouts and you roll your eyes as you pry his hand off of your arm.

"No, I told you that I hate watching your practices."

He gasps dramatically and places a hand on his heart. "Because you don't love me?"

"Because it's so bloody cold that I almost freeze my toes off every time."

"You can wear my jumper."

You narrow your eyes at him.

"And the Slytherins are practicing with us today."

"I know, I am one dumbass."

"So you'll come?"

"No Fred, let it go for fucks sake."

By now you ought to know that you can never win an argument with Fred Weasley, but it's nice to pretend. After a further 5 minutes of arguing he'd somehow gotten you in his jumper, pulled you down toward the Quidditch pitch and left you sitting by the bleachers while he walked down to the field to join practice.

"Bloody hell." You mutter to yourself as you watch the ginger skip down to join his teammates. You hear a chuckle erupt from your left and turn to find Draco approaching you.

"So we're wearing Weasley's clothes now?" Draco raises his eyebrows at you as he stops to stand right in front of you.

You laugh and shove his chest playfully. "We're not doing anything but I'm relishing in the warmth of Fred's jumper. Nothing warmer on planet earth."

"My arms beg to differ."

You laugh and shake your head. "You're such a nonce, go practice."

"I think I'd much rather stand here with you if I'm being honest."

"I don't blame you." You shrug, "I can't imagine anyone who'd prefer the company of a sweaty Quidditch team compared to me."


"But with reason, no?" You raise your eyebrows with a playful smirk.

He doesn't respond but instead clenches his jaw to wipe away the smile that was begging to surface.

When his eyes finally turn back to meet yours there's an atmosphere of tension that envelopes you both once again. You can't tell how long the two of you stand there staring into each other's eyes, it could be seconds, minutes, hours. But it all fades away into nothing when his blue hues travel down to capture the sight of your lips, and you have to swallow hard to reconnect with planet earth again.

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